Chapter 21 - "I didn't know where else to go."

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Taylor opened her locker and papers tumbled out, cascading to the floor. She stared down at the mess, mustering up the energy to move. After a minute, she crouched down, dropping her backpack to the ground and setting down her coffee cup. Around her, the school buzzed with footsteps and voices.

With turtle-like movements, Taylor reached out, gathering up the scattered papers. The bandage on her hand poked out from underneath her hoodie's sleeve. After two aspirins, her knuckles and wrist only throbbed, but it was a constant pulse that held the night's event always in Taylor's mind.

She had messaged Weston, asking about if he had heard about a woman being attacked and what had happened to the culprit. He told her the woman was okay, but the man hadn't been caught. Taylor still didn't know if that was a relief because her brother wouldn't get to see the damaged she had done, or if it was a new source of guilt knowing the man had gotten away. Either way, she was left with a sickening feeling in her gut.

As she tiredly neatened the papers, a knee collided with her side, making her lose her balance. She caught herself, but the action knocked her backpack which in turn hit her coffee cup. Taylor jerked forward in an attempt to catch the cup, but it fell over and the lid popped off, letting the liquid run free. Frozen, she watched as her source of staying upright for class trailed along the floor and ran against the wall.

"My bad," a familiar voice said, holding not a single trace of remorse.

Inside, Taylor was a rope with fraying edges that finally snapping apart. She spun on Elena.

"What the hell is your problem!" she yelled.

Elena took a step back, clearly not expecting the explosion. Taylor stalked forward.

"What have I done to piss you off? Huh?" Though the question was hurled at Elena, Taylor didn't give her a chance to respond. "I haven't done anything to you but you feel this need to make my life hard and for what? Cause you think I deserve it? Why can't you just leave me alone!"

Elena blinked, shocked by her victim whom she obviously expected to be passive over the small occurrence. Taylor turned back to the spill only to find Bailey kneeling, cleaning it up. What little energy she had spent, Taylor joined the girl and dried up what was left of her coffee.

"You alright?" Bailey asked.

Taylor nodded, not having the strength for words. Behind her, she heard an unconcerned huff followed by the retreating of high heels. Gathering her stuff and the now empty coffee cup, Taylor headed to class as the first bell rang.

"See you at lunch," Bailey called out.

Again Taylor only managed a nod. When she entered her history classroom, Elena sat with her friends and pretended not to notice Taylor walk in and sit down. It was a small reprieve that Taylor was barely aware of. Crossing her arms, she laid her head on them, wondering how long she could sleep before she was sent to the principal's office.

"Do you mind if I have this seat?"

The voice was right beside Taylor and she turned her head, but Dominic had his back to her and talked to the boy next to Taylor. The boy gave Dominic a baffled frown before picking up his backpack.

"Thanks, man," Dominic said, sliding into the desk seat.

Taylor rested her chin on her arms, staring at the front of the class.

"Did you already finish your coffee?" Dominic asked.

"No, it spilled."

Dominic set his cup on her desk. She looked at it like she wasn't sure what it was.

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