Chapter 14 - "Come to rescue your table mate?"

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"I'm ready to go."

Taylor didn't reply to the message, instead draped one leg over the bag full of folded clothes and returned to her game. Chirpy music emanated from her phone. As she continued playing, the world morphed around her. Her room was swapped with Dominic's and she was now seated on his bed. Her phone froze for a second as if surprised by the change before it moved on.

"I always expect you to make some sort of noise when you show up," Dominic said.

The scent of recently sprayed cologne was strong as he walked over to her. Taylor didn't bother looking at him, focused on making her little bird fly faster.

"It wouldn't be a very good ability if I made noise and warned people." She lifted her foot off the bag and crossed her legs. "Those are your clothes by the way."

Dominic grabbed the plastic handle and tossed it into the closet before coming back to stand by the bed. When Taylor made no sign that she was going to leave her position or stop playing, Dominic nudged her shoulder. She shrugged off his touch.

"We have to go or we'll be late," he said.

"We have plenty of time."

"I want to get coffee."

The edge of Taylor's lips twitched, amused she had gotten him hooked on her tradition. Still, she didn't put down her phone. She knew they would be late. The fact was she didn't care. More than that it was what she wanted.

Waiting for her at school was Clint, no doubt brimming with questions. If it hadn't been for her mother forcing her out of bed, Taylor was positive she would have skipped school altogether. Maybe even dropped out of the year. Clint's shock was all too clear in her mind and she didn't feel like facing it.

"Taylor, let's go."

She ignored him. Growling in annoyance, Dominic blocked her view with his hand and tapped furiously at the screen, killing the life of her bird. Sighing, she pocketed her phone. There was no avoiding this, though she had every intention of doing so as long as she could.

As she scooted to the edge of the bed, a shrill scream cut through the house. She froze, staring at Dominic who went rigid. The scream trailed into a baby's loud wailing.

Unsure what to do, Taylor watched Dominic, looking for guidance. His eyes were wide, every muscle bunched up. After a second, a voice called out to him.

"Dominic, can I get some help?"

The pair were trapped in a tense silence, eyes locked. Taylor blinked and in that heartbeat, Dominic had shifted over a foot and the panic had been wiped away from his face.

"Give me one second," he said, all his calm returned. He crossed to the door, but stopped, holding the handle. "Do you mind hiding in the closet? You don't have to close the door, it's only if anyone comes in they won't see you."

Clamping down on the whirlwind of questions popping up, Taylor nodded. She climbed off the bed and tucked herself in among his good smelling clothes. The door opened and Dominic slipped out. Taylor adjusted her position, bumping the bag with his sweats with her foot.

From her hideout, she viewed Dominic's bed and the bookshelves that hemmed it in on either side. To keep her from speculating, she read the titles. The genres varied more than she expected as well as the authors. Charles Dickens butted up against Louise May Alcott with JK Rowling pinned in between Patrick Rothfuss and Cece Mckenzie.

Taylor was getting to the bottom bookshelf when Dominic returned. The baby's crying had quieted and she hadn't registered it. Dominic stopped in front of her, fists buried in his pockets. Though he appeared calm, there was a tightness to his expression that belied it.

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