Chapter 16 - "Completely insane!"

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The wind was vindictive as it gusted around Taylor, threatening to throw her off the roof. In reaction, Taylor curled in on herself, trying to keep from being blown away. Her hood fluttered, the fingers of the wind snatching at it.

Overhead clouds skittered across the night sky decorating the city in dancing shadows. Counteracting the blueish moonlight was a glow from the narrow skylight below Taylor.

Members of the Fitzpatrick crime family moved around a table laden with papers. Pivoting around the window like a hand on a clock, Taylor could see different sections. There was a blueprint at one end, a schematic in the middle and a tangle of other intelligible papers that Taylor couldn't decipher on the other.

Every time she tried to get photos of the blueprints men would block her view. Growling in frustration and growing tiredness, she wanted to scream at everyone to stop moving!

The second the thought popped into her head, the solution followed. Retreating from the view of the skylight, she typed away at her phone, the wind howling in her ear.

"You awake?"

As she waited for a reply, she hugged her jacket tighter around her, wishing the wind wasn't so ferocious. After a minute in which she wasn't sure an answer was going to come at all, she got a reply.

"Yeah. Y?"

Taylor pressed her back against the edge of the roof, ducking over her phone.

"Are you alone in your room?"

This time the answer was immediate.

"Yeah. Again y?"

Taylor didn't bother with answering, instead she stood up and popped out of existence. The relief of being out of the wind's clutches made her sigh as she landed in Dominic's room. He sat on his bed in only a pair of sweatpants, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes.

When he looked at Taylor, she could see that he had been on the verge of dropping off, the only thing keeping him from doing so was the open book on his lap with an old photograph sticking out of the seam.

"If you're here to seduce me you should have worn something more revealing," Dominic said.

Taylor frowned at him and rubbed feeling back into her arms.

"What? Why would you think that?"

"Why would you ask if I was alone and show up in my room?"

"Cause I need your help," she said.

"That's original." Dominic dragged a hand down his face and leaned his head back against the wall, eyes droopy. "What do you need?"

"I need you to use your Time Stop."

"What? Now?"


Dominic grabbed his phone and glanced at the screen. "Taylor, do you know what time it is?"

She shrugged. "Nighttime."

"Yes, almost morning, technically. Can't this wait? We have school tomorrow?"

"No, it can't. I really need your help." She could see him about to resist and talked on. "Come on, Dominic. Don't be Elizabeth Bennett and sit on your a-"

"Alright, alright," he said, raising his hands in surrender. "Just let me get changed."

He flipped the book closed and tossed it aside. Before Taylor could spy what he was reading, he stood next to her in an all-black outfit. He held his arms out to the side.

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