Chapter 12 - "Saving the world has that effect."

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Taylor blew her nose, crumbled up the Kleenex, and tossed it in the general direction of the trash can, where it landed among the snowfall of tissues. She had slept for twelve hours, woken only once by her mother to make sure her daughter wasn't dead.

The storm in her head was gone, but her nose had been replaced with a faucet and no off valve. Under the tender administrations of her mother, it looked as if Taylor wasn't going to find her end from Death by Cold. She would live to see another day.

Around her were sprawled textbooks, notebooks, and any other items that would aid in her attempt at homework. She wore an oversized college sweatshirt, one that Weston had left behind one semester and which had conveniently found its way into Taylor's closet. As she finished up a math equation, a soft tap tap came.

"Yeah?" she answered with a rasp any jazz singer would sell their soul for.

Her mother opened the door and peered inside.

"Hey honey, you have a visitor?"

Taylor frowned, thinking of Weston but knowing he was probably at work. When her mother widened the gap, Taylor saw Dominic standing there. He stood a head taller than Taylor's mother and broader. One hand shoved into his pocket while the other holding a plastic bag.

"Dominic," Taylor's mother said. "I was just making tea for Taylor's throat, would you like me to make you a cup of something?"

"Uh...sure, thank you."

"Of course, dear."

As she left, Dominic watched her. When he faced Taylor there was a distant look in his eyes. Before she could make sense of it, he blinked and what had been there was hidden away. He surveyed the room, taking in the conflicting decorations and clutter.

In a former life, Taylor knew she would be embarrassed by it all, and maybe even feel self-conscious about how she looked in a faded sweatshirt, red nose, and hair piled on her head in a lopsided bun, but that life was gone. It had disappeared months ago.

"Your room looks different in the day," he said.

Taylor pulled the edges of her sleeves over her fingers.

"You mean uninspired?" she asked.

"Or messy."

Taylor gave a weak laugh which quickly turned into her lungs revolting. She covered her mouth and Dominic looked on unsure.

"I brought you your clothes," he said.

"Thanks," she said, sinking into her pillows.

He set the bag down by her bed, still uncertain about his presence there.

"I noticed that you put small magnets in your hood, why?"

"To keep it from falling backward. It's worked so far. What do you do?"

The question came out before she thought about whether that was an avenue they wanted to explore. Dominic shoved his free hand into his jean's pocket.

"I don't need that. There's no wind in the Time Stop and I don't usually run the risk of fights where someone would yank my hood back."

Taylor nodded and blew her nose. Dominic handed her her phone.

"Here, last night you said it was important."

Leaning forward, she accepted it.

"Thanks. It is."

"I'm impressed it survived your wet clothes."

"Well, I had a couple of puddle incidents so I got it a submarine for a case."

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