Chapter 15 - "Impressed now?"

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Behind the front desk, Tori offered up a welcoming smile to Taylor as she entered the gym. Nowhere in Tori's countenance did it suggest that the previous night she had taunted and taken on a small army of men twice her size. She was as she seemed, a cheery receptionist ready to help to make a new you. With a nod in greeting, Taylor crossed to the locker room.

After she changed, she slipped into the training room. The door swung shut behind her, muffling the pulse of the gym as she kicked off her shoes. With a sigh, she sank to the ground, leaning back against the mirror. She crossed her legs and rested her hands on her ankles. Opposite her was the hole in the plaques, the gap in Clint's history she had yet to find the answer to.

As she closed her eyes, she dropped her head back and waited. Somehow not knowing the exact questions Clint had for her was more unsettling than that morning and the anxiety over facing him. Calm was a more complicated emotion to see through.

When she heard the sound of the door opening, she didn't open her eyes. Clint stepped out of his shoes and Taylor felt the faint thump as he walked across the mats to her. His bicep brushed her shoulder as he settled down beside her, draping arms over his bent knees.

When an immediate tsunami of questions didn't crash into her, she decided to fill the silence.

"So your sister likes to get drunk and beat up guys twice her size," she said.

"Yup." A beat. "So you can teleport."


Another slice of silence.

"So you really can fight," she said.

"Yup." A single heartbeat. "So you can teleport."


"Cool. Cool, cool, cool."

Finally, Taylor opened her eyes. Clint stared off into the distance, nodding his head, muttering the same word over and over. She squinted at him, his outward calm mystifying.

"You're taking this a lot better than I imagined," she said.

Clint shrugged, not meeting her gaze. Taylor opened to mouth to go on, but like a bomb, he exploded.

"Holy shit! You can teleport!"

Taylor nodded once with the inevitable. "Yeah, that was more like what I was expecting."

In a blink, Clint launched himself to his feet and began to pace, all illusions of calm obliterated.

"This is insane! I mean you have powers! Legitimate powers! How did this even happen? When did it happen? Is it permanent?"

He dragged a hand through his hair turning it as wild as he looked at the moment, his eyes never leaving her.

"Is that the only thing you can do? How did you get your power? Was it some genetic anomaly? Where you part of a science project gone wrong? A science project gone right? How has your body changed along with the power? Have you noticed any signs that it's compensating for what must be a serious altercation to your genetic makeup?"

Taylor cocked her head, amused by and a little surprised at his line of questioning. He kept talking, not at all seeming to even want the answer to the questions that he was hurling at her as if he couldn't fathom what those responses would be. Taylor was fine with this since she wasn't sure her replies would be half as in-depth as his inquiries were.

When Clint eventually ran the course of his questions, he stopped pacing, facing her. She raised her eyebrows waiting for what was to come next but having an 83% idea of what it was. Clint let out a breath as if gearing up for his request.

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