Chapter 3 - "I know what you can do."

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By the time the final bell rang, Taylor felt like a human being again. Even if it was a human being fueled by coffee and in need of a good night's sleep. Hearing a faint ding emanate from her backpack, she pulled out a generations old, black phone. On the screen was a simple message.

My office @ ten?

Taylor replied with a confirmation and stowed the phone away. As she moved to find someplace she could slip away unnoticed, someone pulled her to a halt. Swinging around, she came face to face with Dominic.

"We need to talk," he said.

Before Taylor could assure him that they didn't, he guided her away from the chattering throng of students. He opened a door and nudged Taylor inside. It was a supply closet, metal racks lined each wall, giving off the smell of ammonium. Dominic leaned against the door, blocking the only visible exit.

"I know what you can do," he said, his green eyes pinned on her.

Taylor crossed her arms, unsettled by the intensity of his statement.

"If this is some sort of sexual advance you should know that whatever rumors you've heard are all false."

Dominic's brow furrowed. "What? No, that's not what this is about."

Taylor waved a hand around the small space. "Really? Cause you dragged me in here and then said you know what I could do. How else was I suppose to take that?"

"I meant I know about your ability," he said.

Seeing that he wasn't looking for something she wasn't offering, Taylor leaned against the metal shelving.

"Again, what are you talking about?"

Dominic scowled at her in frustration.

"Don't play dumb," he said.

"I don't have to play," she said. "I'm completely in the dark about what you're referring to."

"Seriously, I saw you."

Taylor buried her hands in her hoody. "Again, that is really vague. If you-"

"I know you can teleport."

Though nothing in Taylor's posture changed, she went impossibly still. Her brain fired off multiple reasons of how he could have known, who he would tell, what this meant. After the tidal wave of speculations was the thought of her parents learning and the crushed looks they would give her at lying to them.

"You can try and deny it," Dominic said, cutting into her silent panic. "But I saw you this morning in the office. One second you're halfway down the hallway and the next you're at the door."

Taylor swallowed hard, that at least explained the weird collision she had with the door.

"And what? You're going to tell everyone?" To her surprise, there was nothing in her tone that betrayed the fear she felt at that reality. "How many people will believe you?"

"You're not special," he said.

She knew what he was referring to but those kinds of out-there heroes lived far away, they had no grounding in their city. They were larger-than-life caricatures. You saw them on the news but not in real life.

"Besides, I don't want to give up your secret," he said.

"Oh?" The word was mocking, Taylor simply didn't believe him.

"No, I want your help."

"And if I don't help you, you'll tell the world?"

When Dominic didn't respond right away, Taylor saw that despite what he knew he was reluctant to expose her. This bought her time. She pushed herself the shelves and nodded like they had come to some agreement.

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