Chapter 25 - "Because I have faith in you."

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"Are you serious? This is insane!" Taylor said.

Clearly, Clint was because his expression never changed from the straight forward look he wore when he made the announcement.

"Clint, how do you expect me to teleport a bottle across the room without me going with it?"

"With concentration."

Breathing out, Taylor dropped her head back. They were in Clint's family storage unit, though this time it didn't feel as cluttered and Taylor wondered if Clint had neatened up on purpose. 

"Taylor, you did the impossible last night," Clint said.

"And now you're asking me to do the impossible again."

"It's not impossible, I fully believe you can do this."

Despite Taylor's mountain size of doubts on the subject, she couldn't help feeling a bit bolstered by the certainty in which Clint spoke. She stared at him and he held her gaze, challenging her to back down. His support as well as his stubbornness were a combination she found confusing and aggravating. She didn't know how his sisters put up with him.

"It's the same as we worked on yesterday," Clint said. "You have to picture the spot in your mind, but instead of moving yourself, you're transferring the bottle there."

Taylor eyed one of the three chalk circles Clint had drawn only four feet away from her. When she focused on Clint, he was holding out a water bottle.

"This is insane," she muttered.

"You did agree to do insane earlier today."

"Yes, well I'm now regretting it."

"It will be fine, you can do this."

At the careless tone, Taylor wanted to teleport the bottle into his face. That was something she believed she could do.

"Just concentrate," Clint said.

Shaking her head, Taylor balanced the bottle on her palm and closed her eyes. She pictured the circle in her mind and the bottle landing in it. As she had done a million times before, Taylor let her ability flow through her. When she opened her eyes, Clint wasn't in front of her and the bottle was still in her hand, though now the bottle and her were both in the circle.

"Try again," Clint said. "Imagine your feet staying rooted to the spot, while the bottle disappears."

Widening her stance, Taylor focused on another circle Clint had drawn on the ground. She closed her eyes and channeled all her strength into flinging the bottle away from her. She heard a thud and found Clint working hard to suppress a grin.

"Good, next time teleport the bottle instead of actually throwing it."

Taylor flushed and scowled at she jumped to where the bottle had landed.

"Try not to close your eyes this time."

Taylor narrowed her eyes at the bottle, the circle a blur beyond it. She winked out and winked back in the circle, the bottle still in her hand.

"Again. This time remember what it was like to teleport into the car, the intense concentration you had, the way you envisioned being in the passenger's seat and made it happen."

Taylor decided not to point out that along with her intense concentration was a rush of adrenaline that spurred her on. She had no idea how Clint would try to recreate that sort of situation and didn't want any part of that.

Taking in a breath, Taylor thought of the previous night the way she acted on instinct, letting her mind take control. She stared at the bottle, willing it out of her hand and into the circle. Again both she and the bottle made it to the circle. Growling with annoyance, she squeezed the bottle, crunching the plastic.

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