Chapter 11 - "I need to get home."

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Taylor flexed and curled her fingers, trying to bring feeling back to them. The tips were numb and the feeling was slowly spreading downward. She sat huddled on a fire-escape, staring across the way to a window in which she could see Vincent sitting on a barstool.

Rain cascaded from the sky in endless sheets, drenching Taylor. Fifteen minutes of remaining in her current spot had given the rain sufficient time to worm its way through each layer of clothing. Still, she didn't move.

From her perch, she could see the way Vincent continually scanned the bar, the eager tapping of his leg on the stool rim. He was waiting for someone and Taylor was determined to find out who. This time she wasn't going to make the same mistake as last time, she was going to stay where she was and get the information her brother needed.

At the start of the night, as she waited, she had let her thoughts turn over the argument with Clint from earlier. The fight seemed to be the end of their training sessions, but she still needed them.

The idea of asking Dominic for help flitted through, but she hesitated since he was already helping her. No solution was landed on because as the cold crept into her body, she had only been able to focus on remaining where she was instead of retreating to somewhere dry.

She wrapped her arms tighter around her, wishing her jacket was more waterproof, instead of the sponge it seemed to be. Shivering, she pressed her back against the building as if it could offer more shelter than it already had. When she feared she would have to leave or else freeze, Vincent stood. He nodded to a man that paused before him, then the two of them walked out of the line of sight.

Taylor stood, using the wall to stabilize her wobbly legs. With a thought, she transferred herself to the roof of the bar and peered over the edge. The rain beat a chaotic rhythm on her head, droplets falling from the edge of her hood.

Below her, Vincent and the man exited the bar and got into an SUV. As it drove off, Taylor followed, jumping from one rooftop to the next. The bursts of teleporting began to wear on her, but she kept pushing, not willing to give up just yet.

By the time the car stopped outside of a warehouse, Taylor felt exhausted and it took everything she had to remain upright. If it weren't for her knees being frozen with cold, she figured she would have collapsed.

The men climbed out and entered the warehouse through a side door. After checking no one else was around, Taylor popped up on the ground by one of the windows. Though covered in a layer of dirt, she could make out the interior.

It was a large, dimly lit space with concrete floors and walls dotted with grimy windows. Besides a white van, a dozen wooden crates and tarp-covered mounds along the wall, it was empty. As Vincent and his companion approached the van, a man with slicked-back hair, a hawk nose, and a greasy smile appeared from around the back. He waved his arms out to the side in greeting, his words stolen by the rain and the glass.

Knowing she had to hear what was going on, Taylor searched for a way to listen while being hidden. The tarp covered mounds were an option but she worried they would make noise and expose her. She spotted a crisscross form of beams near the ceiling. The fluorescent lights cast the niche in shadow.

Shaking with cold and with no other option, Taylor vanished and reappeared. She landed on the dinner-sized plate cross-section. The sole of her shoes were slick and she slipped. Taylor gasped and reached for a slanting beam overhead as one of the men let out a loud laugh, covering her entrance. She clung to icy metal, heart beating wilding against her ribs.

When she realized she wasn't going to plummet to her death, she looked down at the trio. The men were still talking, her near-death incident gone unnoticed. Trembling, she slowly lowered herself down to the small section and sat. Nerves rattled through her body, zapping away what remaining strength she had.

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