Chapter 20 - "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

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A hushed stillness wrapped around Taylor as she sat perched on the edge of her normal rooftop. She hugged her leg, chin resting on her knee. Skeins of wispy clouds stretched across the constellation infused night sky.

Taylor was lost to what time it was, lost in her thoughts over what the crime family was planning. Weston and she had spent an hour speculating until they had finally given it a rest. As he went home, Taylor returned to her usual haunt, deciding to give up one more hour before calling it a day.

When sleep dragged at her, she lifted her head. Cold had stiffened her joints and she felt a hundred years old as she untangled her limps and climbed off the ledge. She was working out the kinks in her shoulders when she felt the familiar Pull in her stomach. Listening to the call, she vanished.

When she reappeared she stood in the city's wealthier residential area, towering apartment building soaring into the sky around her. She spun, trying to locate where help was needed.

A sharp cry had her running towards an alleyway between two residents. From the lighting of the streetlights, Taylor could make out two struggling figures. One hooded and one in a pantsuit. When the woman in the pantsuit was slammed up against the wall, Taylor saw more of her appearance.

The breath was sucked out of Taylor's lungs. The woman's skin was the same dark shade as her father's and there was a ferocity in her face that seemed to show she burned with life.

The ghost of her aunt was suddenly standing beside Taylor. Anger exploded inside her, grief over the loss of a vibrant life spurring her forward.

The woman fought against her attacker, making him stumble back. As he regained his balance, he pulled out a switchblade and flicked it open. Taylor took the opening. She winked out and winked back in front of the woman, shielding her.

In the man's startled second and hearing Clint's voice in her head, Taylor grabbed hold of the wrist with the knife in it and punched the man in the throat. He coughed and reached for his neck. As he did, Taylor bent the wrist backward, forcing him to drop the knife. It clattered to the ground. She then kicked the man between the legs. As he bent double, she brought his head down on her knee.

The man crumpled to the ground with a groan. Part of Taylor knew she should stop there, but grief and rage were in control and she couldn't stop. She wasn't seeing this man, but the one who had taken away someone she loved. Someone who she had looked up to.

Kneeling beside the guy, she grabbed the front of his jacket, curled her fingers and punched him in the face. Pain flared in her fist but she barely felt it, caught up in something she couldn't stop. Behind her, she heard the woman making a run for the alleyway as she hit the man again.

With each strike, she felt herself shattering. Breaking over her aunt, who was never coming back. Someone who inspired Weston to help others and in turning inspiring Taylor.

When the pain in her hand became too great, she stopped. Only then was she aware of the bloody mess that was the man's face. Shocked, she scrambled back. For a heart-stopping moment, she feared the man was dead.

But he moaned and Taylor released a shaky breath. In the distance the sound of sirens rang out in the night, drawing closer. Taylor whipped her head around and saw the silhouette of the woman standing in the alleyway opening.

Taylor looked back to the attacker, at the blood pouring from his nose, the cut in his lip, and the eye that was already swelling. Nausea climbed up Taylor's throat and she disappeared.

She was barely aware of her dark surroundings as she pressed her back against a wall. Shaking, she tugged off her gloves and horror filled her as felt her knuckles and the sticky blood from where one of them was cracked. A sob escaped her lips and she pressed her hands to her mouth, trying to stifle the sound.

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