Chapter 1: The Floor Is Lava

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The Shane Gang wanted a break for Saturday, so they decided, why not, go camping in the Jungle Cavern. They wanted to try it. Eli always said camping on the Surface was fun. So they packed their bags for a fortnight, tents and enough rations for the given amount of time, and settled in a quiet, slug-filled plain near a lake. Bored out of their minds, they wanted to stretch their legs and take a walk. So Junjie lagged on while filming every second of the hike. Several times, Eli and Trixie turned to see the camera and repeatedly asked him "Why in SlugTerra are you filming?" He said, "Oh, just wanted to remember it before I head back to the East."

Eli had no idea what Junjie was about to do.

Later, when they were nearing the camp, Junjie shouted, "Hey, guys, I'm pretty sure the floor is lava!" Freaked out, they bolted for anywhere they found safe. Pronto found a bush and dove in, entangling himself with the leaves. Trixie sat on the same bush. Kord, being an agile climber, scaled a high rock. Junjie jumped on a mushroom, not high but enough to elevate his feet.

He climbed in time to see Eli grab onto a mushroom hanging above the lake. Unluckily, the mushroom tipped and his grip wasn't so strong at all, so the young Shane fell into the lake! The gang laughed as his head bobbed in the water. Even Burpy couldn't resist a good giggle. Eli climbed out and had to change in his tent. "Hey Junjie, don't ever do that again," he warned. But all he did was leave him clueless of what revenge he planned.
*Cue SlugTerra Intro*

(Time Skip) After the exciting camping, they went home refreshed. With the story of Eli in the lake on the Slug-Net, they can't resist poking him for it. But one day, he blew Jun's mind by sweetly asking him to come upstairs.

After he entered the room, Eli shut the door allowing the other slinger to note that all the furniture was removed. Then a loud voice echoed, "The floor is lava!" Nothing but a sturdy rope was situated in the room, so Jun struggled to climb it. When Eli checked on him a few seconds later, he was hanging on for dear life. "So that was your revenge?!" He exclaimed, clearly in peril. "Eli, for the love of the Infurnus, help me!" He called. Stifling the next laugh, he said, "Ok, you're clear." Then he fell over laughing.

Junjie started planning on how to get back to Eli Shane. "Let the prank war begin."

On Thursday, Eli went out to see the whole gang doing dodgeball at home. He yelled loud and clear, "The floor is lava!" Everybody broke a run, even laughed when Trixie fell in the pool. But there was something Eli saw that Junjie wished went unseen. War was going to break out for months.

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