Chapter 9: Five Steps

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The pair found themselves again alone in the house. It was late, so they figured, why not go stargazing? The weather forecast said there were going to be shooting stars that night. They went up on the roof for the best view. Eli planned revenge. This was going to go well.

Soon, after the meteor shower was over, Eli asked his partner, "Jun, mind if you could take just 5 steps forward?" He watched with a sneaky grin as he stood...

...and walked to his doom. He fell straight on the floor and landed with a butt-numbing whack. He stared up at the roof as Eli giggled and sped down. However, he quickly rose and chased him around the house. He landed in their room and locked the door. As Jun desperately banged his fists on the door, he howled with laughter and fell over breathless. At least the slug-fu master didn't mind having to sleep on the couch.

The next morning, Kord was on a mushroom watching Hoverbug slugs mess with each other. All of a sudden Jun called down below, "Yo Kord! Five steps forward!" He covered his own eyes and walked to it.

If that mushroom had been an inch higher the poor cave troll would have been dead.

Seconds later an inhuman screeching echoed across the caverns. It sounded so ghostly that Trixie thought Eli shot Spooker the Frightgeist slug outside. It was in all ways impossible. The slugs were having a movie marathon. No blaster shots were heard. His blaster lay on the table. Eli himself could be heard snoring soundly upstairs. So it came as a surprise when a sweaty, red-faced Junjie burst in and bust out the back door in seconds, both alarming her and waking up Eli, pissing him off. At first she wondered what was going on until she heard Kord's breathless voice, "Where is that slug-fu-crazy rascal?!" Then he heard Eli shout from upstairs: "Shut up! I can't sleep!" Joo-Joo rolled his eyes and sighed. They are so out of their minds. He thought.

And it was true. Soon the prank war was really out of whack. They pulled off the "five steps forward/backward" prank every time they wanted to. Or when it was the perfect time.

On one occasion, Eli admired the way Aquabeek slugs surfaced because they wanted to see him and Beeker. They were at Undertow Cavern. It wasn't until he took a wonderful selfie of the Aquabeek school that he was told to step forward. So that he doesn't piss off Trixie, he put down the camera and let himself get soaked. He grabbed a bucket and splashed three bucketloads of cold water (kind of like the Frostcrawler and Aquabeek fusion shot "IcySea") so the pair rode home dripping wet. Trixie even locked the doors and said, "I will not let you both in until you're both dry!" "Is this a joke?" Jun shot back, only to get a loud "No, it isn't!" from her.

Another time was when they admired a bird's eye view of SlugTerra's magnificent plains. But Eli was not going to get himself fooled. This time he was going to make the other slinger look like a flopping idiot. So no damage would occur, he shot Suds the Bubbaleone, who enveloped Jun before he took the five steps.

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