Chapter 32: I Don't Want Him To Do What Eli Did (Trixie)

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Jun always told us he'd be okay but I could tell by the way he lamented Eli's loss that he wasn't. When I confronted him last night, he hung his head and said, "I just don't want you guys to worry about me." I had to give him a hug. But then I remembered that time when Twist and I saved Eli from suicide in the nick of time. He said the same thing. I gave him the same hug. It was as if time had turned, as if we were back to before he died.

I just sobbed. I didn't know what happened next, but I'm sure I slept standing. The next thing I know, I wake up, it's 7 in the morning and...I was still in Eli's room. With Junjie sleeping next to me? "I didn't want to let you sleep alone," he explained. "Of course, it's what Eli would do, right?" I just had to cry all over again. I soaked Jun's shoulder fur with my tears. Of course, he just let me go on. I felt relaxed in his loving hands (no this is not JunXie). Well, I couldn't help but admit he's right. It's what Eli would do.

I remember the time Dana stole my camera (The Gentleman And The Thief). I was so heartbroken because it was the only tie I had with my mom, who had the same passion as me. I woke up beside him in his own room! I was ready to slap him for doing that. He explained, "I know you feel bad about losing your camera, Trix. I just want to let you know that I sympathise with you. We'll get it back soon, don't worry." I was left in awe. He was such a powerful slugslinger, tough, fierce and savage, yet close to us, he had a gentle heart. No wonder he brought Twist and Tad under his wings that easily, without knowing the consequences.

I knew that gentleness would live on even after death.

I felt its proof in my sleep just 3 nights ago.

I was in a boat in the middle of an ocean. The sky was pitch black. The azure waves were the ones moving the boat for me. Pretty soon, I saw the aqua-blue spirits of the ones who were lost; all the previous Shanes, my parents, the people who sacrificed themselves to save others. But something felt missing. I had no idea what in the world was the missing piece in my heart. My family (well, except my sister) was here, my slugslinging friends who died under Blakk's power, almost everyone I knew who died was here. But I still felt empty inside.

"Did you forget me already?" Asked that handsome voice behind me. Wait a second...I know that voice! He's the one and only reason why I feel lost, hurt and empty inside! It's him, Eli! Oh, now how I wish he didn't have to die...I miss him so badly! Then I ran straight in his arms and wept for him. If there were more there 50,000 ways to say goodbye, I'd go for "Please don't leave me, I'll even give my life for you!" But nah, what are the odds he's going to die in the very end? Of course, being the Shane, the last straw is always his.

Then, to my surprise, he used his gentle hand to lift my chin up. "Don't worry for me, Trixie," she whispered. "I may not be alive physically, but I was with you the whole time! I am alive as long as you remember me and keep me safe in your heart." I focused my eyes on my feet as not to look into his eyes. I was hoping he wouldn't notice. No suck luck. "Look at me, Trix." I had to. "I-I know it's a little too late, but there's always that one question I wanted to ask you. Do-do you love me?" Shoot! "Of course I do!" I said, straight for him. "Eli Shane, I've always wanted to tell you this, but I was afraid of how you'd react! (For the sake of the EliXie shippers out there let me just get escalate things a little bit) I...didn't know. Did you love me?" He smiled. "Trix, I've believed in the fact that when you find the girl that pleases your heart, you're truly in love. I love you, Beatrice Sting. I have loved you since the very day we met and I will always love you...till the very end." With that, he went on to kiss me (Yup, that's Elixie right there) and I kissed him back, ignoring the river of tears streaming down my cheeks.

I wasn't surprised when I woke up to a wet pillowcase the next morning.

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