Chapter 14: It's Raining Pranks

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Downtime was really bad for them, with all the screaming, crashing, breaking of glass, slug fire, everybody seemed to be robbed of sleep.

Except Eli and Junjie.

Says Trixie of them, "The bears of SlugTerra. Only they got all the seasons wrong." She learned this the hard way when she tried to drag them out of bed. It was 9 in the morning, and it was unusual for them to sleep in. Normally they would be awake in time for breakfast. But they missed it along with a distress call from Windfarm Cavern. She got pissed off and even pulled Eli by his legs in an effort to jolt him awake. But he said sleepily, "I don't wanna get outto bed yet..." while holding on for dear life. To smite him, she asked Kord to squash him.

The rest was, well, if I would put it...deafeningly terrifying.

He locked the room and wouldn't get out for a whole day. But after 30 minutes, he was forced to. Pronto had the really bad (and may I say, extremely bad) idea of throwing a rock to Eli's window. Seconds later, he made a mistake in drawing Burpy as the pop sound was in his ears, a hole was made in the window and worst of all, a rock in his face (This is probably where the term in your face came from). On the flip side, his cheek had to be bandaged for the next few days. With every distress call, he had to explain how he got his injury and shoot a menacing glance at Pronto later. Several times Kord used a lighter on him for that. Even once Junjie "borrowed" Eli's blaster and used the double-barrel for the fusion shot "FireSpike" (my brother and friend said FlameSpike is better so maybe I could use both) which is an Infurnus and a Dirt Urchin combined, so the poor mole was left to dodge all the flaming spikes coming his way. But Eli yelled from his busted window, "Do you guys realize you could set the house on fire simply by being stupid with an Infurnus?"

Pretty soon the power was cut. "But why?" Kord questioned. "We don't even have power bills!" Trixie added. Then Jun inspected the power cords. They had been severed...with a Thresher slug. "Almost all of us has a Thresher in the house," he reported when he told them about it. "Which one of you did it?" The buck was passed on and on. Some fingers were pointed. Even Junjie was suspected, though he said that he was only near the power line just minutes ago when he was sent to check it.

Then a lightning bolt was heard outside (from my experience it sounds something like a cymbal dropped by accident) which confused them even more because there is no such thing as a storm in SlugTerra...unless it was the same guy who cut the power. The same guy who went unsuspected. The same guy who watched them all, including the ins and outs of the battle.

It was Eli.

Sure enough, it was him. No need to investigate. How did they catch him red-handed? They were all silent in the living room after the lightning strike then the power mysteriously came back. Then Burpy (in a way) backstabbed his own slinger by showing them footage of Eli and Buzzsaw cutting the power lines. There was nowhere to run.

The next few torturous hours for him was having to be locked in a room filled with Flatulorhinkus gas, no gas mask and having to stay in there until the next morning.

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