Chapter 10: Rock-Paper-Scissors, Slug It Out

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On the ride home, Junjie and Eli bickered and mocked each other. It was so loud that the slugs all disappeared and their own slugs had to scream as loud as possible to get their attention. This lasted till home. They resolved it in a rock-paper-scissors match. They shook their fists, ready to fire. Then Banger, Eli's Armashelt slug, picked up a rock and hurled it for the opposing head. After Jun collapsed due to a concussion, Eli's jaw dropped and he stared at his slug, who resisted the urge to laugh until he fell over.

They quickly attended to the injury and brought Jun to the couch, but Pronto, Kord and Trixie noted that after he woke up, he kept staring at the young Shane with flaming eyes. Eli too took notice of this and tried to defuse the situation by saying, "No, don't look at me like that, I'm not the one who started it." After he saw the wounded slinger start cracking his knuckles, Burpy facepalmed and thought, Wow. What an idiot. He should know that's never gonna work.

Soon both injured protectors ended up in their rooms, staring at each other like two deer competing for a doe. Chances are when the rest of the Shane Gang and their slugs turned around and shut the door, they wrestled. They know how to keep a secret. Suspicious, Burpy and Joo-Joo devised a plan to bust them out.

The next day, they got up earlier than everyone else. They know their slingers are usually the first two people awake. They crept in, hid behind the table lamp and watched. Their suspicions were confirmed when they saw them shove each other to "dominate the most areas of the bed". Which resulted in a fierce rock-paper-scissors match. And Eli was losing! "How are you smashing this?!" He screeched. Jun responded in a hoarse holler-whisper, "Shut up, you'll wake up the rest of the Shane Gang. Our room isn't soundproof."

Awkwardly enough, Trixie walked in. "Good morning gu...........ys." She questioned them over breakfast. "Did you two know your slugs were watching?" All the colour drained from Eli's face. "WHAT?! No, I swear, I had no idea..." Burpy pulled the face that said, "Here we go again..." while Joo-Joo stared at them. Both slugs knew something. Eli and Junjie are freaking idiots. She turned to Junjie. "Did you two even think about doing it in the middle of the night?!" Kord choked. Pronto spit water. Eli groaned, "Do you have to?! We're freaking eating, Trix!" She rolled her eyes then focused them on the two Infurnuses who had to hold their puke. "Did they try anything?" she asked. Nope.

Three weeks later (nobody said this prank war would take months...) Eli noticed Jun looking at him funny. Does he know I have feelings for Trixie? He had no idea he said this loudly until he heard Pronto scream, "HE HAS WHAT?!" It did not become a happy ending. Junjie pressured him the whole afternoon. He refused to admit it. Finally, he reached his limits. "If you're not telling me, I'll ask Trixie if she heard anything." Only to hear a "THE HELL YOU WILL!" from the teen. Again, they did a rock-paper-scissors match. Only they pushed it.

They went from 0 to 100 in just half an hour, with no brakes! Everyone went crazy. Even Burpy's high-pitched screaming didn't stop them. They fought until dinner. "How time flies" Eli whispered when Trixie yelled at them to drop whatever they're doing and have their dinner.

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