Chapter 8: Raunchy Remote Control

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To avenge the failed prank, Junjie hatched a brilliant plan. The only times when the gang watched TV was during the Slugball games. He remembered this one day, while he was feeling a bit listless and wandered around the Shane Gang household. He saw the remote lying on the couch. He heard Eli humming in the kitchen, then he reached to pick it up...
*Cue Intro*

Eli was thirsty, seen filling up a glass when Junjie jumped in out of nowhere and said "Pause!" He froze in place. The cup started overflowing! He grabbed the remote and said "Unpause!" Then he dropped the remote and bolted for the door, with the young Shane at his heels. It was tough to chase him (good thing they didn't do the inter-cavern jump again) but with the help of Spinner, his loyal Arachnet slug, Junjie was captured and dragged back to the hideout.

But he wasn't finished. He took Eli's Blastipede slug Rookie and asked him to set a few bombs near the hideout. With a wink and a grin, Rookie set his antennae together to set off the bombs. There was a violent reaction from his prank victim. But those bombs scared more than Eli.

It scared literally everyone in the vicinity, in and out of the Hideout.

It was terrifying inside. The rest of the Shane Gang heard slug fire, so they grabbed their blasters and their slugs and dashed outside. They came out, Eli and Jun shouted "Pause!" at the same time, and locked them all out. Giggling, Joo-Joo winked to the Shane. He said "Unpause." just as the slug-fu master came back from locking the back door. They dashed to their shared room and sighed. "We are not doing that again." Jun sighed. Eli on the other hand protested. "C'mon, Jun, how was I supposed to know you were gonna do the same prank?" Their Infurnuses, Burpy and Joo-Joo, gave them a look that said "You two are clearly out of your minds.

Later, Pronto was too chatty over dinner, so Eli grabbed the remote and sighed, "Mute." He was high-fived by Junjie. Pronto now remained silent for the whole night. Then next morning over breakfast, Trixie noted, "Nice to see you two working together for once on the prank war." Burpy stared at her with a look that said, "See, they're out of their minds." Kord popped up, "Eh, aren't you gonna unmute Pronto?" Heads turned. Sure enough, the molenoid was still quiet. "Um..." Eli stuttered. Joo-Joo looked at them with a look that said, "Okay, okay, 'fess up, which of you two lost the remote?" Eli pointed to Junjie. Junjie pointed back to Eli. Kord rolled his eyes and sighed, "Teamwork's over."

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