Chapter 4: Lights Out!

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Days passed since the last prank was pulled. It seemed like the war was dying down. Until Monday, when Eli found himself reading one of his favorite books, Light and Darkness, when Junjie called to him from the hallway with a sly grin on his face. "Eli." He snapped up at the sound of his name. "What?" He snapped back and went to the hallway, then froze in terror. "You scared the living floppers out of me! You should-" Junjie slyly held up a handkerchief and said with his voice slightly above a whisper, "Lights out." Eli rolled his eyes. "Coming."

The hall was filled with...mousetraps?! Was Eli being expected to walk across these blindfolded? He shot, "Junjie, how in SlugTerra did you set this up while I was gone?" They laughed hard at the thought as Eli reluctantly put on the blindfold and knocked off his shoes. "Here goes nothing..." he started. Everyone held their breaths as he started walking. He had near-accidents as he went (you know what I mean, right?) and the slugs had to scream. Several times Bugsy, Beeker, Joo-Joo, Glimmer, Doc, and Chiller had to close their eyes and even once Burpy fainted. But the funniest moment was the second Eli's toe got snagged in the mousetrap. At once, all the slugs screamed, "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Burpy fainted again.

Junjie was laughing hard as Eli ran to put ice on his painful toe. He was pale and shaking. "How do you feel?" he asked? Eli shot back, "Junjie, you know how it feels when your toe is smashed with a mousetrap...!"
*Cue Intro*

That afternoon, for some exercise, they went to the nearby gym for dodgeball. Eli was ready to pack, so he tossed in some snacks, a water jar, a towel, and some extra clothes. He was about to toss in the clothes when he saw something. The blindfold. He stole a sly grin and looked around to make sure Junjie was nowhere near him, then he tossed the blindfold into the pack. Well, here comes my revenge, Junjie.

Later they were doing dodgeball, Trixie and Kord vs. Junjie and Pronto. Eli was on his own. Then Jun was all bouncy when he saw the blindfold out of the corner of his eye. "You know what this means!" the Shane called out from the other side of the arena. Still bouncy, he grabbed it. With ease, he dodged the balls thrown at him, as if he had supervision.

Then, when he was about to win the whole thing, Trixie smacked him hard in the face with her ball. Fearing his life, he ran for it. Junjie had no idea what in the world happened to him. He simply shrugged it off, but the thought of who did it left him sleepless. Until he knew who did it and why. I'm coming for you, Eli.

The next day, they had to ride off to stretch their legs a little. No villains have attacked in the past few weeks, so they had a reason to be bored. After all, they're the Shane Gang. So they went to ride on their Mechas when Eli held up the blindfolds again. "Nice and simple, Jun, lights out!" He sighed. No, no no, not again! I didn't know the Shane was good at double pranks!

He had to ride off blindfolded(he was happy to be skilled in it)and did circles around the empty field. Dizzy and unaware, he hit a rock...and ended up in a bush! Exasperated, he pulled off the blindfold and chased him until the collapsed, completely out of breath.

Days later, they had to go to the grocery to replenish the supplies (especially since Pronto the mole kept guzzling off everything; is this why he's fat?) Then Junjie took this opportunity to get his revenge. Just before they took off, Junjie held up the blinds. "Lights out..." Eli smacked him hard enough to knock him off his Mecha, then he took the blinds and rode off. He got there in record time...

...but he would've been faster if he didn't knock into Kord on the way.

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