Chapter 29

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Here I am in front of a mansion. "It hasn't changed.." I mumbled as I looked around. I set the password that Earth gave me and went inside. Earth told me there was supposed to be no one since he cleared it for me. 

I walked inside to mansion to see that nothing has changed. "Why does it look the same.." I mumbled. I walked towards the kitchen and looked around. "this is where kit makes dinner for ming" I said smiling. 

"Ming! I made you your dinner!" Kit said as he wiped his hands on the apron hes wearing before running to Ming. "I already ate" Ming said and left him. Kit frowned and looked at the meal he made. Kit looked at his hands that some of it were bruised by the knives, it was his first time making a meal and hoping Ming would've ate it and be in good terms again.

"Ming you asshole" I mumbled. "Kit did his all and you did nothing but gave him a cold shoulder" I said as tears fell in my eyes. I looked at the living room that was near the kitchen. I bit my lip as I remember what I dreamed.

Kit finished making their dinner and looked up only to see Ming with a girl. "Oh is he your friend?" The girl asked. Ming shakes his head. "He's a maid" Ming said and told the girl to go inside their room. "Stay at the guest room" Ming said. "Why are you doing this?" Kit asked. "My girlfriend just left me because of you, now shut up and let me be" Ming said. "am I not even your friend?" Kit asked crying. Ming smirked. "Ever since I got married to you I never considered you as one" Ming said and left. 

I walked towards the living room and sat on the couch. "Ming.. What have kit done to you" I sighed. 

"Ming! Kit! Come on let's play!" Phana said with a smile. "You're drunk" Kit said as he sat on the floor. "come ooooon! I want to beat you for once Kit!" Phana whined. "Wayo can you guys leave already?" Kit asked. Wayo and Beam nodded. Kit looked at his side to see Ming sleeping. "Ming you should sleep in our room" Kit said as he tap Ming's shoulder. "No! Let's play a game like Phana said!" Ming chuckled. "He's drunk..." Kit thought.

I chuckled at the memory of my dream. "Ming is cute when he's drunk" I mumbled. "So is Joong.." I smiled as I added that.

"eeeeeeh! Whyyy!" Ming whined. "I always lost! Last round! na na na na" Ming pleaded. Kit smiled at Ming. How he wish Ming is always drunk. Ming leaned closer to Kit making Kit leaned back. Kit blushed at how Ming is closer to him. "P'Kiiit~" Ming called. "One more game and the one who won will punish the loser!" Ming stated smiling. Kit nodded and pushed Ming away. This time Kit decided to let Ming win since he knows they wont stop playing until he won. 

"How childish Ming can be" I laughed bitterly at what I said. 

"I won! Now you'll so what i say!" Ming cheered like a kid. Kit shakes his head and stood up. "That's enough, let's go inside the room and you need rest" Kit said. "No, I need to punish you" Ming said pouting. "No ming that's-" Kit didn't finished what he said as he felt Ming pulled him to him. Kit looked at Ming only to see Ming leaning to him. Kit was about to say something until Ming kissed him.

"It's clear you like him but why... Why did you hurt him.." I said as tears fall. "Why Ming... Kit did everything but you treated him like shit" I stated. "It's because I want to protect him" My eyes widened as I turned to see Ming.

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