𝟬𝟴. see you again

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     𝐈f Cloud could turn back time━kidding, she wouldn't really do it

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     𝐈f Cloud could turn back time━kidding, she wouldn't really do it. There was something she'd been sticking with since she was old enough to make decisions for herself. She created this mindset that with each mistake and success that happens in her life, she would take it with all her heart. 

     Unfortunate events could happen but that also means another lesson in her life that she will learn. Another adventure that she could twist to make it fun for others to hear. Not entirely lie but make it sound more interesting and less boring or plain.

    She felt somewhat feverish at the familiar sight of the United Forces harbor. It left an aching feeling in her heart when she reminisced about those times when she was a captain. She practically grew up inside those battleships with brave soldiers, ranging from young to old, women and men, who treated her as an equal.

     Korra had dropped down on a specific battleship before her. As soon as her feet touched the metal floors of the ship, snapping her glider closed, she glanced around with a longing expression on her face.

    "Are you coming?" The bender asked, turning around to face the older girl.

    "Right behind you." Cloud slightly nodded. She let her go first, going further inside the battleship while she trudged far behind her.

     "Cloudy?" The brunette raised her eyebrows, feeling a bit annoyed at the use of her nickname. Only certain people can call her that name, people who had earned her trust. She turned around to check who it was but stopped when she saw familiar faces before her.

    "Dude!" Cloud and the three female soldiers chorused with an excited tone.

     They were about to tackle each other into a group hug when someone cleared their throat from behind her. The soldiers, her friends, immediately froze and stood in a straight posture, their hands in line with their pants as their eyes darted everywhere but to her or rather, who was behind her.

     "S-Sir! I mean, General!" Hana uttered, one of the female soldiers.

    Cloud sent her a questioning look before snapping her head behind her to see who it was. Her breath caught at who she encountered. She cleared her throat, the man glancing at her and his soldiers with an eyebrow raised. They didn't seem to notice the way the corner of his lips was lifting into a hint of a smile.

     "Iroh," Cloud breathed. "I mean, General. Hi." 

    "Soldiers. Captain," Iroh said before sending a small nod at his soldiers that sent the trio scurrying off somewhere. Then he looked back at the airbender, his fiery eyes softening the slightest. "Were you with Korra?"

    "Ah, yes! Korra! I'm with..." Cloud nodded frantically then realized. "Wait, where's Korra?"

    Iroh shook his head from amusement. Then he looked at her apologetically. "She left. She was a bit upset because Raiko showed up, and as much as I wanted to help, I couldn't. My hands are really tied this time, Cloudy."

    The airbender sighed, feeling a little disappointed too but she covered it with a small grin as she lightly patted his arm for reassurance. "That's okay. We'll find another way, but thank you for considering, General!"

     Beaming, she pecked his cheek like it was instinct, and scampered away before they both realized what she had done. It left the young general with flushed cheeks and a nervous heartbeat, and when he looked around him, he found two of his comrades raising their eyebrows at him. 

     Iroh cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows back at them before walking off back to the front ship. She was still one heck of a bundle of joy. He thought, shaking his head from amusement. 

    The first person that she could think of where Korra might've run off to was Mako. It was the most obvious thing ever since he was her boyfriend. When she arrived at the police office, she hadn't even stepped inside the facility when a furious Korra barged outside with heavy footsteps.

    Korra didn't acknowledge her and even bumped into her, but Cloud was sure it wasn't intended since she looked devastated. And furious. She hesitated for a second, thinking whether to go inside and rattle Mako or follow after the weeping girl.

    She did the latter.

    Cloud followed her to the harbor until the dark-haired girl decided to pour out some of her feelings to her, although it was mostly about the ongoing war and not the other one she was expecting. She didn't push her to tell her all about it. Whatever she was comfortable to say, Cloud would accept it and try to help her in any way that she could possibly help.

    "Thank you for listening, Cloudy," Korra muttered, wiping her tear-stained cheeks. "But I really just want to be alone right now." 

    Cloud smiled apologetically and brought her into a sudden hug, letting the younger girl bury her face onto her shoulder, lightly exhaling. "Okay. But I'll wait for you to get back."

     "Okay," Korra murmured.

     She never returned, but Cloud never left the harbor either. She sat on the edge of the dock and waited until she fell asleep while hugging her orange staff. When the sun came up, she was awoken by a fisherman, telling her to get off the bridge since he had to sail. She ignored him but did what he said as she trudged off the harbor with a heavy feeling settling in her chest.

    After dining in some random restaurant with what was left of her money inside the pockets of her pants, she went back to the harbor, perching above the bridge that had full sight of the dock and the wide blue sea. 

     After a few hours of sitting alone, she suddenly heard her name being called from somewhere below. Looking down, she found two familiar faces, specifically a gorgeous lady named Asami Sato and their grouchy friend, Mako.

    "Oh, hey, 'Sami!" She waved vividly, jokingly not acknowledging the boy next to her.

    Cloud saw Mako frown a little before he glanced at Asami who stood beside him. He sent her a questioning look before mouthing, "'Sami?"

     "Don't ask," Asami muttered before adding, "It's pretty cute though."

     "What?" Cloud flailed her arms around in confusion, putting her hands around her ear as if it would help her hear them better. She had a feeling she looked like a mad woman up there.

     Mako shook his head. "Get down here, dummy!"

     The airbender huffed under her breath but decided to come down, purposely slipping from the railings━almost making them have a heart attack much to her amusement, and dropped on the ground. She used her airbending to soften her fall. She slightly grinned at them, passing her glider to her left hand. Mako shook his head while Asami simply smiled at her. She would never get tired of the girl's antics.

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