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    𝐁ack in the Spirit World where the two Avatars emerged, Unalaq chased Korra, the girl attacking with firebending which he neutralized with large ice walls

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    𝐁ack in the Spirit World where the two Avatars emerged, Unalaq chased Korra, the girl attacking with firebending which he neutralized with large ice walls. It was the battle of the truth. A battle to save the world from being encased into forever darkness. And no one would want that thrown upon them for thousands of years.

     Soon enough, the two Avatars disappeared from their sight when they went through the portal and out of the encampment.

    Cloud gritted her teeth from annoyance as she tried to wriggle around, getting a feel for something, but the ice was too thick and close to her freezing body. Desna and Eska approached their frozen encased bodies, looking rather empty on the expression like they'd never known how to smile.

    "Please, let us out," Mako begged.

    Cloud sent him a look. He could at least try to firebend underneath the layers of ice, even a little heat could help, but he wasn't getting her message. She sighed heavily, not liking the way she felt so enclosed. She always liked being free most of the time. Not only because air was her element.

    "His groveling is pathetic," Desna deadpanned.

    Eska agreed, replying with the same nonchalant tone. "But I do enjoy the sweet scent of desperation."

    "Come on, your dad has become an evil monster. He's gonna bring on eternal darkness,"  Mako groaned. "Why would you protect someone who doesn't care about you at all?"

    Desna turned to his twin sister. "Father was going to let me expire when we tried to open the northern portal. Perhaps we should rethink our position."

    "Yes!" Mako nodded eagerly.

    "I'm sorry." Meanwhile, Cloud frowned. She kind of felt bad for them. "Maybe it's time to wake up to the truth, twins."

     "No. Don't listen to them. Their words are poisoning your mind," Eska said stubbornly. Suddenly, Bolin began to weep bitterly, taking the emotionless girl's attention. "What's with this outburst of emotion?"

    "I'm sorry, I can't help it," Bolin cried out, and the airbender had to refrain herself from snickering since she had a hunch about what he was trying to do. Sly kid. "It's just so sad that I'll never be with you again."

    Overall, it was just a heck of a distraction and maybe, he was also speaking some truth, but she could never really figure out what goes on inside the boy's head. Young love was a tough thing. Trust me. Mako glanced at the brunette with an unsure look on his face, but Cloud merely gave him a small smile and watched as Eska pulled Bolin into a kiss. The ice around them began melting, and Eska stopped smooching the earthbender.

    "You'll never defeat my father," Eska said blankly. "But, should you survive, perhaps we could spend eternal darkness together."

    Cloud immediately ran towards her fallen glider, and waited for Mako and his little brother. The three ran out of the portal into the South Pole, witnessing the two Avatars fighting. Korra shielded herself from Unalaq's water attacks with fire before exiting her air sprout. She landed on the ground, directing three rocks as it knocked Unalaq off his waterspout, but he managed to remain in the waterspout and directed two water streams at Korra which she managed to nimbly dodge.

    However, the trio was startled when Vaatu emerged from within the man. Korra attempted to attack Vaatu with a fire breath, but Vaatu entered her mouth and pulled out Raava, causing Korra to become weak and collapse onto the ground. Cloud felt every bit of her heart churned as she watched Unalaq trapped Raava in a water bubble before Vaatu re-entered his body, grinning viciously at his victory.

    "Korra!" The trio cried out, running towards the weakened girl.

    "He's got the Light Spirit!" Bolin exclaimed.

     Cloud and the two brothers prepared to attack Unalaq, but the Dark Avatar easily neutralized their attacks and sent out a large ice spike, knocking the two boys. Except a certain airbender who airbent herself into the air, avoiding the conflict much to Unalaq's disappointment.

    She wasn't too sure if he was actually still actually Unalaq. She gritted her teeth, trying to focus on her energy even if she knew it would be useless against the Dark Avatar, but it didn't stop her from at least trying, and that's what she did. 

     Thankfully, she didn't get knocked out this time. Cloud stumbled toward Korra who was in a deep slumber. She dropped beside her, gently placing her head on her lap, and stroked her dark brown mane.

    "Korra," Cloud called, her voice coming out into a whisper, feeling the tears threatening to fall.

    Mako and Bolin soon regained their consciousness and approached the two women. One of them carried the unconscious Avatar toward the portal. Cloud felt her breath caught at the sight of Unalaq growing in size, and she swore she had read something similar in a book of fiction she found somewhere.

    "Now, ten thousand years of darkness begins!" Unavaatu roared as he reached out to the spirit lights and created a storm before teleporting away, creating an impact that tossed the four away including Desna and Eska. 

     Cloud only hoped they could stop him and save the world from succumbing to eternal darkness.

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