𝟭𝟮. master plan

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     𝐓he group stood outside a prison cell where Varrick was being detained

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     𝐓he group stood outside a prison cell where Varrick was being detained. For some reason, the interior was filled with lavish decorations and amenities. Cloud wasn't the least amused but she was quite impressed that he got the police to agree with his amazingly crazy ideas, but what did she expect? Iknik Blackstone Varrick was indeed one hell of a mad genius and a very persuasive talker.

     "Guys, hey. What do you think? Varrick Industries built this prison, and I had this cell made special. I had a feeling I'd end up here one day." Varrick grinned slyly with his teeth gleaming. "Zhu Li, c'mon, we got guests! Whip up a pot of that green tea I love!"

     "Yes, sir," Zhu Li said monotonously.

     Korra looked surprised when she noticed the familiar woman as she started pouring some tea. "Zhu Li's in prison with you?"

     "Of course! I don't go anywhere without my assistant," Varrick beamed. "Do you?"

     "We're not interested in your tea," Mako said irritably, still grumpy about being accused and thrown in jail by the very same man in front of them. "And this isn't a friendly visit."

     "Actually, I want some tea," Cloud chimed in, ignoring the looks her friends sent her as she hastily accepted the cup of hot tea that Zhu Li handed to her between the cell cracks. She loved tea after Iroh II had introduced a deliciously made ginseng tea to her, telling her that it was his great uncle's (who he was named after) favorite tea.

     "Don't tell me you guys are still mad about everything that happened. I did some good things, too. Korra, who warned you about Unalaq? I did. Bolin, who got you into the movers? I did. Asami, who saved your company? I did."

     The three slightly softened at his words since. Varrick had a point. He helped them when they were in need. However, when it came to Mako, the firebender's frown only grew deeper. Varrick didn't seem the least bothered as he continued, "Mako, who got you thrown in jail? I did! Oh, yeah, guess that was a bad thing."

     "You stole everything from me and you tried to kidnap the president," Asami said pointedly. "Those are pretty bad, too."

     "I wasn't going to hurt him. I just needed to start a war. Well, a bigger war."

     "Well, we're gonna end it. Where's all the stuff you stole from Asami?"

     "The Future Industries' stuff? It's on my battleship."

     "You have a battleship?" Korra asked in disbelief.

     Cloud sipped on her cup of tea, slurping loudly as she watched them with an interested expression on her face. "Of course he does."

     "Of course I do!" Varrick repeated proudly as he sat down. "I bought the first one they made! Named her the Zhu Li."

      Bolin furrowed his brows. "You named your battleship after your assistant?"

     "Yup," He said bluntly as Zhu Li handed him his tea. "They're both cold, heartless war machines."

     After having an agreement with the complicated businessman, Bolin had brought the team into a group hug, the five smiling at each other with content. Lin even spared a prideful hint of a smile at the sight of the team of youngsters. Nothing could be better than having friends who trust and protect each other no matter the circumstance. That's how it's always supposed to be.

    Inside the battleship Varrick had lent them, Cloud crouched across her aunt as she attempted to heal Jinora with her waterbending who lay inside the healing tub. She had a glum frown plastered on her face, watching the water glow from Kya's waterbending, hoping that it would wake her up and get her out of the Spirit World.

     She eventually joined her friends and Tenzin not after a few minutes, finding them gathering outside on the deck around each other.

     "As soon as we reach the Southern Water Tribe, we'll blast through the blockade at the main portal," Tenzin began to explain, earning a slightly amused look from his niece. She'd never seen him so serious before. Then she remembered Jinora and pursed her lips. "Then we can rendezvous with Tonraq and his troops, crash through the defenses around the portal, and enter the Spirit World." 

     Kya appeared and joined the group, exclaiming in fake surprise, "Woah! Since when does my little brother wanna crash or blast through anything?"

     "I'll do whatever it takes to save my daughter," Tenzin said firmly.

     Cloud softened at his words as her head fell, staring at the floor as she thought about her poor cousin who had been trapped in the Spirit World. She cleared her throat, "I don't know about crashing and blasting through anything, Uncle. We're barely an army."

     "We all want to save Jinora, but I think your plan might be a tad over-aggressive, seeing as there are only seven of us and one ship," Bumi told him, thinking just like his daughter as he approached them from the side.

     "Really?" Tenzin questioned. "And what do you suggest?"

     "An attack like this calls for strategy," Bumi began. "I remember when I was surrounded by pirates at the Hurricane Straits. We managed to capture them all, with just a feather, two eggs, and a barrel of molasses."

     Cloud shook her head at her father, a bit amused but Tenzin was furious on the inside as he exclaimed, "I don't want to hear any of your crazy stories now! This is serious!"

     Bumi became upset and Cloud slightly tutted her lips, placing a hand on her father's shoulder and squeezing in comfort. Besides, he was only trying to light up the mood since everyone had been on the edge ever since the whole war thing started. Besides, who's to say his stories weren't true? Maybe a little crazy but that's what makes them the best anyway.

     Tenzin and the others rode Oogi as they flew towards the White Lotus compound. Cloud, once again, was using her own glider as she flew above Korra who entered the compound before her. Dropping down on the thick icy ground, she waited until her family had come down from the flying bison.

     Her uncle trudged towards them with an unconscious Jinora in his arms. She felt her heart ache as she moved beside him, keeping a close eye on her little cousin. Trying to catch even a sign of her eyelids fluttering slightly, but there was none. 

     "Where is my mother?" Tenzin asked Korra's mother who was in front of them with no sign of Tonraq.

     "She's in the healing hut," Senna said, a sad frown on her face. "So many injured."

     Cloud almost gasped in shock from what she encountered when the doors of the healing hut opened. Countless injured men and women lying on the floor with the local healers trying their hardest to heal them. Her grandmother was one of them. Katara's attention turned to them and rushed at the sight of her unconscious grandchild. 

     "What happened?" Katara asked, worry etched across her wrinkling face.

     Tenzin frowned. "Her soul is trapped in the Spirit World."

     "Oh my goodness! How long has she been away?"

     "Almost a week. I've tried to keep her energy flowing, but I can feel her slipping away," Kya said grimly. "You're the only one who can help her now, Mom."

     The worry on the old woman's face became worse. In fact, everyone was more than worried for the little airbender. Because they knew it was only a matter of time and they were running out of it.

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