Chapter 34

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Yoongi and Hoseok's hands intertwined together, fingers locked firmly around each other's hand.

They walked down the hallway, both feeling so happy for an unknown reason. They were just so delighted to spend more time together.

It was so sudden, however Yoongi enjoyed feeling so delighted near Hoseok.

"You two seem overly excited." Jin noticed. He proceeded to stuff his mouth full of noodles he had brought.
"Yeah, what's up?" Namjoon joined.

They were all witnessing Yoongi become so clingy near Hoseok.
He always had his arms near him right in front of them all.

"Yoongi hyung is acting like a kitty again." Jungkook giggled, watching as Yoongi laid his head in Hoseok's shoulder. And he wasn't wrong, the older did have some kitty like features. Perhaps not features but behavior wise.

"I don't really know, I'm always happy around Yoongi so it's nothing new." Hoseok immediately pulled Yoongi closer, squeezing the life out of him.

"But I'm really excited about the baby!"
He excitedly said and began shaking Yoongi around from the anticipation.

"Don't embarrass me."
Yoongi chuckled, although it was a bit ironic, the older feeling embarrassed when he was literally attached to his boyfriend the whole day.

Jimin squeaked in excitement.
"The baby!!! Oh my gosh, I'm so excited! I love babies!!" He continued cheering. His voice sounded like it was reaching its highest, almost breaking from excitement.

Taehyung laughed, the way Jimin became overly excited about the baby was endearing.
"so you figured out the name yet?" He redirected the conversation back on topic.

Yoongi nodded, still attached to his boyfriend.
"Hobi.." his voice was muffled, his face buried against Hoseok's chest.


"I wanna cuddle."

Hoseok laughed, sounding a bit nervous due to the fact that he has never heard Yoongi say anything like that in public. He has never made his affection for Hoseok apparent in public.
"Y-you wanna what?"

"When we go back to the dorm I wanna cuddle." Yoongi whined, headbutting Hoseok's chest repeatedly, desperate for attention.
This was definitely a kitty like behavior in Jungkook's eyes.

"Why are you acting like such a baby? Of course we can!" Hoseok brightly smiled, kissing Yoongi's forehead and stroking his back. He wanted to take advantage of clingy Yoongi, when would be the next time he could kiss him publicly?

"He dodged my question." Taehyung laughed.

"Don't you see he's busy, he wants Hoseokie hyung's attention!" Jimin giggled, resting his head against Taehyung's shoulder. He carefully watched the couple in front of him, it was somehow entertaining.

"Like what Jimin and Jungkook do to you Taehyung." Jin muttered, his head resting on the palm of his hand as he continued to eat. It seemed unfair that he couldn't relate when he has a boyfriend. His relationship started before any of these ones displayed in front of him, it was definitely not fair.

"Someone's jealous~!" Jimin teased, laughing at the older and him receiving a lack of affection. Ouch.

"Namjoon hyung doesn't give Jin hyung attention?" Jungkook assumed.
"What a bully." He shook his head in disappointment.

"I'm not a bully, I-"

"You're just too afraid to show me affection in public." Jin interrupted.
"And that's completely fine by me!" He added sarcastically.
It seemed like this was a major problem to Jin, not earning enough love from his boyfriend.

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