Chapter 38

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"Park Jimin?"

Jimin glanced up at the person who called his name. It appeared to be a nurse. He proceeded to stand up along with the couple sitting beside him, Jin and Namjoon.

"You may visit Min Yoongi now."

Jimin nodded, and all three followed the nurse down the hall.

The place seemed unusually scary, due to knowing that many things happen in hospitals. Happiness and sadness occur every single day in this building.

And for Jimin, he utterly disliked the look and smell of the place all together. It was creepy, all very eerie and their was something very unsettling about the place.

Jimin naturally walked closer to the couple, who were both surprisingly holding hands in public.
It was a new sight to see, and the younger couldn't deny that it was absolutely adorable.

"Are you alright Jimin?" Jin finally noticed Jimin's odd reaction with the place.

"I don't like it here hyung." The younger mumbled, grabbing onto Namjoon's arm without thinking.
It was a normal instinct, most likely because Jimin was usually very clingy.

"It's not that bad, we're finally going to see Yoonseok, after all the trouble you and Yoongi been through!" Namjoon smiled, trying to comfort Jimin and convince him that the hospital wasn't all that bad. Miracles happen even when disasters do too.
However, their will always be treasure after a long harsh path.
It's all worth it in the end, even when you haven't reached it yet.

"Y-yeah!! I like babies..." He went from excitement to a mumble, he quiet down after they reached the room.
Although he was still filled with anticipation of seeing the baby.

The nurse stopped in front of the door, "Here's his room, I'll be waiting out here if any of you need anything."
She bowed and walked away, leaving the three to stand reluctantly.

"Whose opening it..?" Namjoon asked, a bit hesitant for whatever reason. There was no reason, perhaps just the nervousness building up in him.

Jin sighed along with subtly rolling his eyes, he grasped the door handle and carefully opened it.
"Hello~" He smiled, opening the door for the other's to enter.

Jimin shyly entered behind Namjoon, peeking from the back and finally witness a glimpse of the older.

Yoongi looked awfully tired, but he still managed to keep his energy. He had a gentle smile across his face, maybe due to feeling relieved and excited.

"Congratulations hyung!"
Jimin felt his excitement build up, he ran over to give the older a small hug. He didn't want to cause any harm.

"Where's the baby!?" Jimin immediately asked. He couldn't wait hold the child in his arms, he wanted to do so much at the moment.

Yoongi pointed over at Hoseok, who sat across the room holding the wrapped up baby in his arms.
"The nurse just brought him back before you came in." He briefly explained.

Jimin squealed, running over to Hoseok.

"Calm down, let me get a chance to carry him." Jin laughed, the younger seemed so anticipated and obsessed.
It was almost scary...

"Hyung!! Please please please let me hold him!! I wanna squish his wittle baby face~!" He continued to beg.

Everyone in the room probably cringed after hearing the sudden change in Jimin's voice.

"I- I'm gonna call Taehyung and Jungkook now." Jin suddenly excused himself, he pulled out his phone and sat down in the unoccupied chair by Hoseok. "Just let Jimin hold Yoonseok." He briefly said before dialing Taehyung.

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