First heart beat

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Taehyung's pov
I was not sure of my feelings but I feel extremely happy when I am with her. I woke up early and had my breakfast. I informed my parents that I am going to spent my vaccation doing part time work. They told me not to but I told them that I am going to learn or have working experience for future so they gave me the permission. I waited outside. I forgot to blink my eyes when I saw her in that beautiful dress. She is always beautiful but my heart beat increased when I saw her in casual.
"Hi" she waved. "Ah hi. You are looking beautiful"
"Thanks you too are looking handsome". Did I heard it wrong
"What ". " pabo you are looking cool too". I scratch my head
"Thanks"I am satisfied. I am quite handsome. "Where are we going now?"
"We have to start at 9 in mr. Jins restaurant. But we got some time left so shall we grab something?"
"Sure. Would love to". We headed to a restaurant nearby and placed our orders. "Why do you want to do part time work when your family is welloff?" I was taken aback by her sudden question
"Ah....its because I don't find happiness. Actually I was not interested in anyone but now I guess I have to learn a lot to be with her in future".
"Oh really ha ha ha. Sorry I thought you are planning to gain your parents trust and planning to make your parents proud instead you are doing for a girl. Youths are really different. I feel it is useless. Anyway it's your wish. I can't help it"
"Don't you like it?" I asked her. She was looking as if like she has seen a ghost. " I don't mean to make fun. I am sorry if you are hurt. I am sorry to interfere. I am not a genius so I should not give advice to others "
"No I am asking you"
"Why". How should I answer. I should be cool. "Uhm I am asking interms of girl. You are a girl so how do you feel about it?". I waited for her answer but our orders came so I couldnot get the answer. "Let's eat"

Sohyun's pov
I knew that he has feelings from his last conversation with the girl so I couldnot make myself to answer the question. My heart was beating because of the question he asked. My heart never beats faster whenever I was asked a question but why this one . It's simple but indeed a tough one. It's time to work so we started the works. The owner was happy at the end of the day and told us that he is expecting us to do the same now onwards too. We promised the owner to perform well while working in his place. I was surprised to see him working hard. He is a boy who makes everyone appreciate him. I loved his dedication. "You did well. I am impressed. You are doing great. The girl will be lucky to have you"
"Ah really. Thank you. I liked the fact that you liked my work"
"I loved it though I didn't expected"
"I am happy then". "Your parents will be happy to hear it ". He smiled. He is looking handsome when he has that smile on his face. "Shall we walk around sohyun"
"Sure we have time ". We played a lot. We walked around the beach and we talked a lot. It was the best moment I had. I don't know what got into me but I like his presence. It's becoming late so we headed home.
"Sohyun can I know you more? " . He is really confident to ask question to surprise me. "What d--do you me-mean by that?"
"Actually th-the fact is I li-like your presence. So I want to know you more"
"Uhm sure". I agreed cause I feel the same too. He spents most of his time with me unlike my friends.
"Ok. I will text you or call you. Will it be ok?". "Sure". "Ok bye. See ya". "Bye". I am a fool to accept evrything he suggested . I had a fun today thanks to him.

I am being more confident as well as scared as Lucas words rules my thoughts. I am going to confess soon but when will this man show up. I hope he never show up.

Will he show up?
Will taehyung confess?
Will they date? Let's see what happens next everyone.

Hi readers. Thank you for reading my work. I hope to have more readers to keep me going. Hope you are enjoying. Plz do vote and comment plz. ❤💙💜💛💚

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