the surprise visit

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Sohyun's pov

I was shocked to see Lucas this late at our house. I am scared that he might start up something strange.
"Sohyunie help me to set the dinner table"
"Yes".  I quickly moved to the kitchen cause I can feel him staring at me. I hate it.
"Mom why is he here?" I whispered.
"I saw him outside so I invited him. He looks cool. Do you know him?"
" I know him cause we  are workmates but why did you call him here?"
"Why is there any problem ?"
"Anyways share me later. Let's us go with the dinner dear "
"Ok mom". After the dinner I thought of keeping myself busy but my mom told me to stay with him so I am left with no choice. Ah i hate this. I hope Time flies fast or he leaves first.
"Thanks for the dinner. I am glad to be joining you for dinner. "
"Ah . Gratitude goes to my mom. "
"Thanks mam".
"Ah it's nothing. You can visit often if you like ". Ah mom. I hate you said something I don't like. I put up a smile on my face.

"Yes next time mam"
"Ok. See  ya."
"Bye goodnight". I am glad that he left without creating a fuss.
After the dishes I went to my room cause I feel sleepy. I forgot the trip with my friends. I should do it early . I miss them too.

Next morning
"Yoojung let's go for trip.can you inform the others as well . Can we go the next day. I miss you guys. Can we meet before that so that we can plan well"
"Yeah that's nice. We would love to. I will inform others and let's gather today."
"Ok. Around 7 "
"Ok. See ya"
"Will see you all"
I talked with yoojung and I feel relieved that I can spend time with them.

"Taehyung, I can't come to work tomorrow I have some plan with my friends"
"Oh really. What plan"
"Ah i am going for trip for about two days"
"Can I join too. I want to take some time off work."
"I will tell you later. I have meeting with the others. I will talk about it"
" hope I can join too. I think I will have to meet them cause we are friends"
"Ok. Around 7 tonight." Suddenly my phone rang
"Oh saeron ."
"Can we all meet at the Mr. Jins restaurant "
" Ok I will be there "
"Excited to see everyone"
"Yeah me too"
"See ya"
"Ok bye". I end the call .
"Where is the place"
"Ah Mr. Jins restaurant "
"Ah ok. Let's go together"
After our work...
"Yes" I was scared to see him near me.
"Why. Are you not feeling comfortable near me?"
"Ah it's not like that"
"Then let's hang out together "
"Ah i am busy today. I have some work to do"
"Ah really. Then when "
"I don't know. I am busy person and not interested so I can't manage it. Sorry"
"It's ok then. I will come to your house next time" I forced a smile and nodded. Uff this man is killing me.
Why is he not leaving me.
"Let's grab coffee. "
"O--ok". After the coffee, he brought me a soft bear
"Here for you"
"What is it for "
"It's a gift for you"
"It's my nothing today and you don't have to do this"
"Ah it's nothing . Take it"
"Thank you". He kept looking at me so
" I'll have to leave. So sorry. I have a plan with my friends"
"Ok. "
I left him giving excuses. I thought of walking home.
"Oh taehyung. You didnot go home."
"No I was waiting for you but you are busy" looking at the thing I hold
"Ah this bear is given to me by Lucas. We grabed some coffee"
"Ah really" I can feel the jealousy in him
"Shall we go"
"Yeah we should" we walked side by side.  Suddenly  I felt a hand which pulled me. I landed up on his chest. I felt my heart beating faster.
"Yah wh-what ar-are you do-ing"
"I can't wait to know your answer. Why don't you answer me sohyun. It's been a week now and you keep me waiting. "
"Ahh I thought of anwering you. "
"But what happened". His eyes is eating me now
"Ummm i-I like... " before I could answer him I felt a lip touching mine. I am a fool to not push him. Did I kiss him back . Did we kiss. My first kiss. I was lost in thought when
"I will take that as yes cause you are not saying anything."
"Ah it was my first kiss" I whispered
"Don't be shy it's mine too. We had our first kiss together " I was shy to look up in his eyes so
"Yah let's go. We will be late"
"Yup" the awkward feelings goes on and my face became redder.

Guys sorry for late update. Thanks for your time guys. I hope you are enjoying. Plz vote and comment . Stay home, stay safe.❤💙💚💛💜

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