the preparation

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They reached to their destination. Everybody was happy and excited to see each other after as long time. They thanked sohyun for letting that happen. They planned for their trip. After a long discussion everybody decided plan their trip to jeju island.

Kim taehyngs pov
I was happy that we all can enjoy together. It was much more exciting to go somewhere with your lives ones. It was hard to come to a fast conclusion but it did at last so I was relieved.  I want to make her my girlfriend long before. After what I did today I am not confident enough to know that she will feel the same for me. After our department, I felt that she is ignoring me or she is confused of what I did.
"Sohyun, are you ok?" . I think she was shaken by my question cause I can see her turning towards with a shocked expression.
"Of course,  why??"
"I am feeling like you are ignoring me"
"It's because ........because". She looks cute stammering
"Go on"
"Uhm you know that"
"I did it because I love you"
"Taehyung, listen to me carefully. I don't know how it feels when someone is in love as I don't have any experience.  But  I can feel the pain when somebody is broken. There are many people affected by their love affairs so I don't want myself to involve in those mess.  I just want to continue my life with what I am so far. So I think we should better be very thoughtful of our act before hand. That way we won't get hurt. Let's keep this friendship alive."
" I am ok with whatever you decide. It's ok even if you are not interested in me. I will not force you. I will keep liking you. You can decide the relation between us if you change your mind. But never neglect me ". I pour out my thoughts. She smiled
"It's not that I hate you. I like you spending time with me. I think its just that I am not used to it. I will think more on that . I hope it will not affect our friendship"
"Of course not. I will keep my word"
"Thanks for understanding"
"Let's go cause we have lots to prepare for our trip"
"Yup we should"
I was sad that she is not ready but I am impressed with her thoughts on future. I will make sure of what I am doing. Let's do the best.  After packing I made myself in my bed

Yah are you done packing

I am done u

Same. We are told to prepare a dance program each. I am out of dance steps what about you

I haven't started plus I am not into it

If that's the case how about we do it together. Are you fine with it

Uhm that would be different case for our friends. They might tease us

Don't worry we will tell them that we didn't get time to practise as we are doing part time work so we came up with a dance together

Wow nice that will be a good idea

I will come to your house to practise. Will it be fine.

Well no problem

See you then


I am happy that she agreed. Fighting

Sohyuns pov
I am nervous cause he will have to teach me steps by steps. It's quite embrassing but I will manage it.
I heard a knock on the door when I was  lost in my thoughts. I called him upstairs in my room.
"I guess we will have to practise overnight cause I am not really into dance."
"It's ok l will teach you. We will dance till we get a perfect shot. Ok"
"Thanks".  I felt uncomfortable but I practised to not let him down. I was surprised to see him dancing. He told me couple dance will be better so we danced. He caught me before I fell. We stared for long I guess. I backed away
"Sorry" I blush
"It's ok. We should dance. We are about to finish"
I  nodded. We danced late night. It was quite impressive that we made a dance in three hours.
"Thanks. I hope we will do well"
"Sure we will".

"I gotta go. See you tomorrow"
"Ok. " 
I slept peacefully cause of the tiring practise.

Sorry guys for late update. I will make sure update.
Pls do vote and comment. Let's see what happens next.
Till then stay healthy . 💜💛💚💖💙❤

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