Chapter 6

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Sherwood Forest

As a child, Roana had heard many a story about the ghosts of Sherwood Forest. The tortured souls that roamed the woodlands, spirits of those who had come to an untimely end on the Great North Road. Pixies, sprites, and elves that lurked beneath the canopy of trees, leading the innocent astray and creating confusion and terror.
Roana had always scoffed at such childish tales, but, as she and Alice ventured through the forest after escaping from Knighton Hall, memories of gruesome fables came back to haunt her in alarming clarity.
The legend of the nobleman who had come a cropper on his way from Nottingham to Clun, when his horse had bolted and galloped under a low-hanging branch, taking off the nobleman's head; it was said that his headless ghost still roamed the greenwood, perched atop his bolting horse.
Then there was the rumour of the Milton children who had worked the iron mine at Treeton many years before, and had become trapped when part of the mine had fallen in. They had starved to death, and their spirits still haunted the area, stealing food and other items from unwitting passersby.
There were many other tales, but Roana did not wish to muse on them at that precise moment. Straightening her back and her resolve, she nudged Folly on, trying to ignore the weakness of her mind, intent only on finding her brother.
"Is this safe, my lady?" Alice asked, cynically, following close behind. "Because it certainly doesn't feel like it, and I'm far too young to die."
Roana mustered a laugh at her companion's outspokenness. Sherwood Forest was unnervingly quiet. Not even birdsong permeated the air, making the soft thudding of the horses hooves the only sound. The woodland had grown denser, enclosing them within its leafy womb, and Roana was tempted to urge Folly into a gallop and leave the ominous silence behind.
Her attention commanded by the sharp crack of a branch in the deep undergrowth, Roana did not see the man step out of the bushes until he spoke.
"Afternoon, my lady. Going somewhere nice?"
Roana started and, for a moment, her heart was in her throat, thumping wildly. Folly came to a halt, the man's hand at her bit. He grinned up at Roana, blue eyes twinkling.
Roana collected herself quickly, and glowered down at him. "Let go of my horse, at once."
The man shrugged, merrily. "I'm afraid I can't do that, my lady. This is an ambush."
As he spoke, another figure emerged silently from the thick bushes; a tall, imposing man with wild hair and a bearded face. He carried a huge staff and, like his companion, was dressed in the greens and browns of the surrounding forest, blending in almost completely.
Were these men compatriots of her brother? She hoped so; if not, she and Alice were in grave danger.
"I'm afraid I have nothing of value," Roana informed him, her haughty tone masking the growing unease. "I am here on important business."
The man at Folly's head laughed and looked at his tall friend, jerking his head in Roana's direction. "Have you heard this, John? Business in the forest." He stopped laughing suddenly, and fixed her with a sharp gaze. "I'm not being funny but what business would YOU have in Sherwood Forest?"
There was a soft thud to her right, and Roana heard movement behind her as Alice's horse moved restlessly. A breeze rustled through the trees, and a magpie chattered nearby. The forest seemed to come to life around them.
"I am here to see Robin Hood." Roana spoke clearly and imperiously, hoping that her fear did not show. Folly moved restlessly beneath her, sensing the tension in her mistress's body. Roana hoped the men could not hear her heart thumping in her chest.
This time, both men laughed, long and hard. Roana felt her fear turn to anger as she watched the man at Folly's head. She considered kicking him in the jaw. But, first of all, she needed to find her brother, and these two buffoons may be her ticket straight to his side.
"You're here to see Robin Hood." The man before her repeated, smirking in amusement. "What does a lady like you want with a common outlaw?"
"That's none of your business," Roana snapped. "Do you know him? If not, let us pass so we can find him elsewhere."
"Well, we might know him," the man shrugged again, clearly enjoying himself. "But if we were to take you to him, what do we get in return?"
"You disgusting..." Swinging Folly to the right, Roana kicked out with her boot, viciously aiming for his head. Taken by surprise, he fell back, then grabbed her foot and tugged. With a yelp, Roana was jerked from the saddle and would have fallen flat on her face if he hadn't caught her. For a moment, she was held close to his chest, and inhaled the scent of woodsmoke on his clothes, before looking up to see his infuriating grin.
"Well, my lady, this is a very nice offer but.."
"Oh!" Roana pushed away from him and kicked him sharply on the shin, relishing the moment when he gave a yelp of his own and clutched his leg.
"Ow! What was that for?"
She looked down at him, triumphantly. "I think you know what that was for." Turning away in disgust, she approached the big man, fear replaced by indignation. "You! I insist that you take me to see my brother, Robin Hood."
"Your brother?" Both men repeated, sharing incredulous looks.
There was a rustle and the bushes parted, revealing a hooded man who emerged silently from the forest, his face in shadows. He came towards Roana, his body language cautious, yet his voice when he spoke was that of a confident, fearless man.
"Roana, is that really you?"
Roana breathed a loud sigh of relief. "Robin! Thank God!"

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