Chapter 11

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The Right Choice

Leaving Nottingham by the main gates, Allan heaved a sigh of relief. His whole body ached and stung in equal measures, and he couldn't wait to get back to camp and rest. Guy's jailer had done a number of him, and Allan was just grateful to be leaving Nottingham alive.
He had been forced to strike up a deal with Guy to secure his release, something of which he wasn't proud. The black knight wanted information on Robin Hood's future activities, in exchange for money. He wanted a spy in the camp, and Allan was the perfect scapegoat. Death, or betray your friends for money. What a choice to have to make!
Of course, he had agreed to be Guy's spy. Being tied up and burnt with a red-hot poker did that to a man; you tended to agree with anything just to stop the pain. He wanted to live. Guy had backed him into a corner, and Allan had chosen life. And, he had to admit, a secret stash of cash in his back pocket had been an attractive thought.
Also, proof that he could be someone away from the gang. Someone important.
Allan shook his head at his own greed. Because that was exactly what it was - greed. Yes, so his first thought had been to save his own skin, but surely that was only natural. Nobody wanted to die before their time. However, in hindsight, he knew that he couldn't betray Robin and the gang for a few measly coins. He couldn't betray them in favour of Guy and the Sheriff. They were the very people that the outlaws were fighting against. He couldn't let Robin down like that.
Admittedly, upon first leaving the dungeons, he had been so relieved that he would have agreed to anything. If Roana hadn't caught up with him, he couldn't say what his final decision would have been. For this, he felt slightly ashamed. To think that he would have given up Robin's secrets to Guy of all people. It didn't bear thinking about. Robin would probably have killed him upon finding out. Because Robin would have found out; there was no doubt in Allan's mind about that.
So, he had to come clean. Honesty was not a trait that came naturally to Allan. He had grown used to living on his wits, always ready with a story to absolve him of any guilt. The truth had only ever mattered as something that could be stretched and manipulated to suit himself.
On this occasion, however, he had no other choice. He had to come clean, because Roana would tell Robin if he didn't. And he wouldn't want to think of the consequences if it came from someone else.
For probably the first time in his life, Allan had come to the conclusion that honesty was the best policy, and surprisingly, it was because of a woman.
He allowed himself a moment to think of Roana. She was attractive; he couldn't ignore the fact. But, whereas in any other situation he would have set about charming her into bed for an evening of fun before moving on, he was very aware that he couldn't do that on this occasion. She was Robin's sister, and this meant she was to be respected.
Allan wasn't used to respecting women. He was very much a man's man and strongly believed that women had their place, and it was either in the kitchen or by the crib. Or in bed. He had been forced to slightly alter these views when it came to Djaq and Marian, who were both ferocious fighters and protected by Robin. Plus, they were both out-of-bounds. Marian was Robin's; there was no doubt in anybody's mind about that. Also, she wasn't Allan's type - far too assertive. As for Djaq, she and Will grew closer by the day, much to Allan's chagrin. He was pretty sure he had liked her first, but maybe not in the same way Will liked her. Allan was happy to concede to his friend on this occasion.
And then there was Roana. She was also out-of-bounds. For one, she was Robin's sister. And secondly, she was betrothed. Although Marian had been betrothed to Guy and look how that had ended.
Allan sighed, unsure of where his mind was taking him. Yes, Roana was an attractive woman. Physically, she and Robin were very alike; slim build, hair the colour of autumn leaves, green-blue eyes, although her figure was certainly more shapely. They even had similar mannerisms. Being around Roana felt normal, as if Allan was falling back into a familiar routine, and this could only be because she was related to Robin. There was no other explanation.
She also made him want to do the right thing by her. Just like Robin, who inspired loyalty in people, apart from the most disloyal. Which Allan had been for the briefest of moments.
He reached Sherwood Forest, and, bracing himself, made his way to the camp, planning what he was going to say in his head. The raw welts on his ribs were throbbing and his face stung where the skin had broken. He wished he could just go to sleep, but he had some explaining to do.
The gang were sharing a flagon of cider when he arrived in camp, and, for a moment, he felt like an outsider, a stranger who had just come across a campsite in the woods. But then they spotted him.
"What happened to you?" Djaq asked, quickly.
There was no disguising the marks on his face that were already beginning to bruise.
The rest of the gang looked his way, and Allan felt an overwhelming need to do the right thing by these people; his family. He took a deep breath.
"Well, you're never gonna believe it.."

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