Chapter 8

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Change of Heart

It was a very subdued Roana that returned to Nottingham Castle from Sherwood that afternoon, with Alice in tow. Meeting with her brother and hearing his story had been quite the eye-opener, and the additional news that Alice had imparted had shocked Roana to her core, so much so that she beseeched Alice to keep her updated.
Roana was filled with a mass of conflicted feelings. First and foremost was the sense of duty to her aunt and uncle. They had taken her in after her mother had died, and she felt such gratitude towards them. She longed to make them proud, and a communion between herself and William would benefit them immensely.
However, Roana had always been a romantic at heart, and her childhood dreams had revolved around a love union rather than a marriage of duty. She had no romantic feelings towards William whatsoever. Not even an inkling. When he touched her, she wanted to involuntarily cringe.
Aside from that, she did not wish to legally bind herself to a traitor to the king.
Her mind a whirl of doubts and contradictions, Roana attempted to sneak through the castle and shut herself away in her room while Alice collected food from the kitchens, but William intercepted her in the great hall. His blonde hair was brushed neatly back from his face and his eyes bored into her, black as night. She shuddered inwardly.
"Roana, my dear," he placed a hand on her arm and Roana felt a strongest urge to shrug him off, which she managed to resist. "Wherever have you been?"
"Hello, William," she replied, coolly. "Alice and I have been taking in Nottingham. It really is a most delightful place."
William nodded. "My cousin is doing an excellent job here. There is a slight problem with outlaws, but that should be cleared up soon."
"Oh, really?" Roana said, mildly. "Outlaws, you say? Are they a threat?"
William cleared his throat, awkwardly, and drew himself up. "You have nothing to fear, my dear, as long as you stay in Nottingham. These miscreants steal from the people in the surrounding villages, leaving them destitute and struggling. They are lead by a former nobleman who returned from the Crusades a changed man." His black gaze was imperious as he stared down at Roana. "He has turned rogue, it would seem."
Roana was apoplectic. Such lies! She bit her lip, struggling not to react.
William continued, clearly hitting his stride. "Yes, apparently the war has affected him mentally. The Sheriff has tried to protect the villagers, but his men cannot be in attendance at all times, and I'm afraid people have suffered as a result."
Roana stared at him in outraged amazement, but before she could retort, there were the sound of footsteps in the corridor and the Sheriff was upon them, with a tall, dark man dressed in black leather looming at his side.
"Ah, my lady," Vaisey said, looking from Roana to William with a grin that exposed a missing tooth. "We were about to send out a search party for you."
"Yes, yes, cousin," William replied. "As you can see, she is back, and unscathed. I have just been warning her about Robin Hood."
The Sheriff glowered, briefly. "Hmm, yes. Robin Hood."
"He and his men will be captured soon, my Lord," the leather-clad man said in a deep and smooth voice.
The Sheriff rounded on him. "Really, Gisborne? Because you haven't caught him yet. You keep promising but you NEVER DELIVER." His voice had risen to a roar, and Roana shuffled, uncomfortably, wishing she could slink away.
This must be the Guy of Gisborne that Marian had spoken of. He did look like a force to be reckoned with, if the look on his face was anything to go by.
"Maybe we can set a trap for him," William mused, his hand still resting on Roana's arm. "After all, we need to be rid of him before Prince John's visit."
Roana's ears pricked up immediately. "Prince John is visiting?"
William looked mortified and Vaisey's death glare in his direction indicated that the news had formerly been a secret. The Sheriff considered Roana for a moment before he spoke again.
"As William's future wife, I suppose you should know the truth. Yes. Prince John is due to visit. We have had word that the king is losing the war in the Holy Land, and, if he doesn't return home soon, we fear for the future of England. Prince John must prepare for the inevitable."
"Which is?" Roana inquired.
The Sheriff shot a smile in her direction that failed to reach his eyes. "That Prince John will take over as king of England upon Richard's death. He must prepare for this alongside his most loyal subjects." Vaisey indicated himself and William, who looked pleased as punch.
Roana was shocked. "But the king isn't dead!"
The Sheriff turned away, dismissing her with a wave of his hand. "Not yet, my lady. Not yet."


In the vast castle kitchen, Alice had avoided detection easily and was rummaging through the well-stocked larder, humming distractedly as she collected a small feast for her mistress.
A slight girl with a sharply-featured, deadpan face and a flame of red hair that she habitually kept covered, Alice spoke little and listened often. Like a silent wraith, she was able to inveigle herself into most situations by going largely unnoticed, for nobody paid attention to the lowly, hired help, especially one who was so nondescript. She used her plain appearance to her advantage, and had become adept at spying on those who expected a lot less of her.
Life at the castle was intriguing. The dark corridors echoed with secrets and subterfuge, and Alice was in her element. Learning that Lady Roana was related to an outlaw was the cherry on the cake, but there were plenty of layers to keep her occupied, and she liked to busy herself investigating.
The Sheriff of Nottingham was an interesting fellow. Alice appreciated his dry wit, yet his soul was pitch black and his capacity for evil doings was immense. He had no conscience whatsoever, and this fascinated and horrified Alice in equal measures, for she had never known such uncompromising wickedness in one person. It puzzled her.
Coming out of the larder, arms piled high with food, Alice stopped short at the sound of a deep, stern voice in the corridor outside, and an unfamiliar man strode into the kitchen, his imperious gaze sweeping over her and away. Alice froze. Who was this man?
Tall, dark, and handsome in a devastatingly cruel way, he was dressed head-to-toe in black leather, commanding the attention of the room immediately. The castle steward, who had been stood talking to the head cook, snapped to attention straight away, hurrying to his side as soon as the newcomers glare fell on him.
"Sir Guy! Can I help you with anything?"
So, this was Guy of Gisborne, the man who Lady Marian had jilted at the altar. Her curiosity piqued, Alice melted back into the larder so she could listen unnoticed.
"Bennett," Sir Guy greeted the steward, his tone impatient. "I need two rooms making up on the middle bailey. Sir Edward and Lady Marian will be staying at the castle as of tonight."
"Of course, my Lord," Bennett inclined his head, respectfully. "And how long will they be staying for?"
"Indefinitely," Sir Guy growled in response. "They will both be under castle arrest, and the Sheriff requires that they are guarded at all times." Sir Guy turned abruptly on his heel and began to stride from the room, his work done.
"I will get that seen to immediately, Lord Locksley," Bennett was already in action, following him from the room.
Sir Guy paused in the doorway to deliver his parting shot. "And make sure the rooms are basic. There will be no luxury or comforts for our prisoners."

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