Chapter 26

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"Rob-in," the Sheriff's voice came on the sudden breeze, tauntingly singsong in its delivery. "Come out, come out, wherever you are."
After Marian's shock announcement, the outlaws had gathered together to impart the news before arming themselves and making their way to the old farmer's track, ready for confrontation.
The Sheriff's convoy were already there, waiting in the same spot where Allan had spoken to Gisborne over a week ago. Although the camp was nowhere near and could easily evade detection, it was beginning to dawn on the outlaws that they would have to cease using this part of the forest for fear of future discovery.
Hidden behind a huge oak, Robin growled at the sound of Vaisey's voice. Will appeared, slipping through the trees like a wraith on silent feet.
"The Sheriff, Guy, around twenty guards, and Bridlington," he quickly recounted, and glanced at Roana, as did everyone else.
Roana felt the bottom plummet out of her world. He had come for her, just as he had promised. Although she had known it would happen eventually, it didn't make it any easier. William must have been fuming to discover Robin's lie, and he would not forgive or forget the humiliation of her rejection. Believing that she was a hostage would have been a salve to his ego; however, knowing that she had stayed away of her own volition must have been a crushing blow. He would want revenge; of that, she was in no doubt. She had no choice but to go with him, to accept her punishment, and to request release from her betrothal.
It sounded so easy, yet why did she have such a sinking feeling in the pit of stomach?
"Roana," Robin said, reading her mind. "You don't have to go."
"But I do," she replied, helplessly. "He won't give me up that easily."
From down the slope, William called out, "Roana. I will not leave this forest without you. I suggest you come with us immediately and there will be no trouble."
The gang came to life as weapons were drawn and Robin, Little John, and Djaq exchanged amused glances. Will patted his axe and murmured, "Bring it on."
Much, however, looked indignant. "My lady! Do not go! Master, do something!"
Roana looked at Allan. He was angry, his blue eyes flashing with fury as he stared back at her.
"You're not going!"
"Allan, I have to," Roana replied, gently. "For one, there are too many of them to take on. Plus, William will never give up. I have to go and put an end to this."
"No!" His outburst was uncharacteristically emotional, and there was a glimmer of something in his eyes. Roana held his gaze and attempted to interject a firmness into her tone, even as misery and resignation settled in her bones.
"I will go. But I'll be back." She glanced around the gang, who had gathered close. "I will be back even if I have to kill him myself."
Allan threw his hands up in defeat and turned away from the group, her own unhappiness reflected on his face. Much looked imploringly at Robin.
"But, Master! We cannot allow this!"
Robin stepped forward to take Roana's hands in his own. Defeat was etched in the lines on his forehead, but there was determination in his gaze as he held her own.
"I will come up with a plan. I will sort this."
Roana squeezed his hands in her own. "I hope so, brother. But I will be okay. Do not worry about me. I will go to the castle with William, and Marian will be there. I won't be alone."
They hugged quickly, then Roana turned away to gather herself. Allan had moved down the slope and she made to follow him. Djaq intercepted her, slipping an object into Roana's palm. "Take this. Keep it close at all times. And use it if you need to."
It was a small, sheathed dagger, perfect to hide beneath her skirts. Tucking it into the back of her trousers, Roana smiled gratefully and hugged Djaq to her.
"We will see you soon," Djaq said with certainty, drawing back. She glanced at Allan, then back at Roana, the ghost of a smile on her lips. "Go to him."
Roana returned the smile then continued down the slope to reach Allan. He was waiting for her, his expression one of disappointment.
"You're going, then?" He had clammed up, his tone resigned.
"Allan, I have to."
He cursed and ran his fingers through his tousled chestnut hair, making it stand on end. "This is my fault. Bloody Sarah! If only.."
"Allan, stop," Roana chided, gently. "You have a past; it isn't a crime! Sarah saw us together, and she was jealous. You turned her down and her pride was wounded, so she got her revenge."
He dropped his gaze, angry at himself. "But it only happened the once between us. I didn't know she was going to be like this about it. Why take it out on you?"
Roana stepped forward, placing a hand on either side of his face. "Look at me. Look at me!"
Reluctantly, he met her gaze and she spoke fiercely. "She saw whatever this is between us. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt it." Allan's eyes widened at her words, and she hoped she wasn't presuming things; the way his pupils enlarged told her that she wasn't. Roana continued. "She was angry, but it doesn't matter now. William will have found me anyway, eventually. I need to go now but it won't be forever. I will be back, Allan."
"But how do you know you'll be able to get away again?" Allan argued, but his tone was already resigned.
Roana laughed. "He cannot keep me forever. I will tell him it's over, and I will continue to break free at every given opportunity. Plus," she smiled, wryly. "I'm sure my friends the outlaws will not abandon me to him without a fight."
Allan grinned, a glimmer of his old self returning. "Try to keep us away."
Roana laughed. "Try to keep me away, Allan A Dale. You will not get rid of me that easily."
The air crackled between them. Suddenly embarrassed, Roana lowered her hands and dipped her head as she backed away, looking up at him from under her lashes. Allan was staring at her in wonder, but as he reached out to touch her face, Robin interrupted, gesturing wildly. There was movement down on the road; the sound of guards approaching.
Roana started forward. "William," she called out. "I am here. I will come with you."
With a final glance at the gang, she headed out of the trees, holding back tears of frustration. William sat atop his bay horse, face stony and imperious as he sneered at her, taking in her clothes.
"Guards!" He snarled. "Grab her and don't let her go." He turned the horse for Nottingham. "We have what we came for."
"What about Hood?" The Sheriff said, looking back at the ridge of trees. The guards tensed, waiting for instructions.
"He is long gone, my Lord," Roana replied, as she was ushered none too gently into the waiting carriage. She glanced back briefly at the forest, but there was no sign of the outlaws. It was almost as if they had never been there at all. Phantoms, letting the forest envelop them, while she accepted her fate.

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