Chapter 13

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The Rescue

Heart in her throat, Roana gasped and tried to run, but a hand clamped over her mouth and an arm snaked around her waist, holding her tight. She made to kick back, but the voice spoke again, urgently.
"Roana, calm down. It's me."
Twisting around, she found herself looking into Allan A Dale's blue-eyed gaze. He grinned and loosened his grip around her waist, leaving his hands resting on her hips.
"Allan!" She whispered, fiercely. "What are you doing here?"
Allan shrugged. "Oh, just rescuing some villagers."
A huge column of shadow shifted and grew behind him and Little John appeared, smiling quickly at Roana. "Allan, come on."
Placing a finger to his lips and jerking his head in Little John's direction, Allan grabbed Roana's hand and pulled her after him. She hurried to keep up.
"What's going on? Where's Robin?"
Allan glanced back at her. "He's at the bottom of the waste chute. We have to let him in."
In the laundry room, the men unlatched the waste chute and Little John produced a length of rope from beneath his cape. He threw one end of it into the chute, and, within moments, had pulled the rest of the gang up.
"Roana." Robin said, while the others smiled and greeted her quietly. "How are things looking in there?"
"There's one guard left at the weaponry," Roana filled them in, quickly. "There were more but something happened this morning, and Gisborne and the Sheriff left with most of the guards earlier."
Robin and Allan exchanged amused glances.
"That was down to me," Allan explained. "I told him Robin and the gang were expected in Clun this afternoon to help build the new church. Gisborne thinks he is staging an ambush."
The gang laughed quietly amongst themselves, and Roana felt a smile light up her face.
"So, you...?" She said to Allan and then pointed at Robin.
"Gisborne is getting a taste of his own medicine," Robin clarified, firmly, and Allan smiled at Roana, quashing any doubts she may have had about his integrity.
She smiled in return, feeling relieved. Deep down, she had known Allan A Dale was a good man beneath the bravado, and that he would think twice before betraying Robin. She was glad her gut feeling had been correct.
"Let's do this, then," Robin said, looking at them all individually. "Everybody ready?"
There were nods and murmurs of affirmation as they drew closer for instructions.
"Ok, Allan, Djaq, and Roana, keep lookout. Will and Much, wait for us to take down the guard at the door and then get inside. John," he eyed the big man, "you're with me, as planned."
The guard was taken down easily after Little John's staff connected sharply with his jaw. Allan and John trussed him up with the rope while Robin pulled open the huge door. A strong odour of sweat and the stench of burning filled the corridor, and Robin paused at the top of the stairs, listening intently. Satisfied, he jerked his head at Will and Much and they began to descend with John bringing up the rear.
Roana went to follow them, but Allan put his hand on her arm and shook his head.
"You heard Robin. Keep lookout."
"But people down there might need my help," Roana exclaimed.
"You aren't even armed," Djaq sided with Allan. "You could get hurt. Wait with us for now."
As she spoke, there was the sound of light footfalls in the corridor, coming in their direction. Allan and Djaq both drew their swords and prepared themselves for attack, while Roana backed away, then ducked into an alcove, wishing she had a weapon.
"It's Marian and Alice," Djaq hissed.
It was indeed Marian and Alice, neither of who seemed in the slightest bit perturbed to be faced with outlaws brandishing swords. Alice crossed to stand beside Roana while Marian slowed down, glancing dismissively at Allan and Djaq, who both relaxed their stances.
"It's about time you lot turned up." She looked at Roana. "Where's Robin?"
A rush of activity emanated from the dark depths of the weaponry, and they all switched their attention to the door as Will appeared, looking jubilant and out of breath.
"We're in," he gasped. "Come on!"
They followed him into the murkiness beyond the door. A wave of heat hit Roana as she entered the darkness and she paused to take a deep breath before continuing. The bodies of two guards were strewn across the steps, and she traversed them, carefully. A third man, a tall and bulking figure in black, was pinned against the wall at the bottom, Little John's staff across his neck, while Robin questioned him, angrily.
Seeing them enter, Robin gestured into the room behind him. "We need to get this lot out of here now."
The room was large and lined with long, heavy worktops littered with various tools and weapons. A vast, charcoal fire burned in a grate in the corner, and the whole area was sweltering. The stench of heated iron was heavy in the air and Roana felt lightheaded.
There were two men per workbench, shackled to prevent them from escaping. A number of the men had wounds around their heads and necks, and a sense of fatigue and hopelessness permeated the thick air.
Will had acquired keys and was busy unlocking the shackles while Much ushered those released towards the steps. Roana and Marian quickly took over while Allan, Djaq, and Alice struggled to move the unconscious guards on the steps. Much hurried to help them so the route out was clear.
Back on the upper level of the castle, in the clearer air, the men began to cough, rubbing sore wrists and murmuring their thanks. Marian offered around a pouch of water, speaking quietly to Roana. "They need to leave the castle now for the forest. It isn't safe for them to return to their homes. The Sheriff will be furious."
"I don't understand why they were all captured to begin with," Roana exclaimed. "It is barbaric to expect anybody to work in those conditions, especially against their will."
She darted back to the doorway as Much stumbled through, half carrying a tall, fragile-looking man who appeared to have lost consciousness. Together, they managed to move him out of the way and seated him against the wall beside a window.
"Here." Marian passed the pouch of water to Much and he knelt to support the man's head, emptying a small amount of water into his mouth. The man began to choke before waking fully and gulping the water, greedily.
"Thank you," he gasped, allowing Much to help him to his feet. "They haven't allowed us water today as punishment for not completing our tasked work." He shrugged, helplessly. "We are villagers, not sword makers. The Sheriff expects miracles from humble folk with no training."
Much and Roana exchanged furious glances before Much turned to the man. "You are safe now. You've been rescued by Robin Hood."
The rest of the villagers were helped from the stairway, blinking in the light after having been in the dark for days on end. Robin brought up the rear, shaking his head grimly.
"The swords are for the new army of black knights," he explained, angrily. "They are preparing for the return of King Richard and the King's Guard, and mean to take them down as soon as they reach the shores."
"I knew something was going on," Marian exclaimed. "The Sheriff gathers his most trusted people around him, and plots with Prince John to overthrow the king."
"This cannot happen," Robin said with passion. "I must get word to King Richard."
"Robin," Will interrupted, urgently, from his vantage point by the window. "The Sheriff is back. We need to leave."

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