Chapter 35

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Over a Barrel

Roana was on tenterhooks. Since watching Allan ride out to meet the consignment of silver with Gisborne and the guards, she had been unable to relax, and had wandered the castle grounds, preoccupied and impatient for their return. A lot rested on the successful execution of the ambush; if it failed, then the Sheriff and Prince John's dastardly plans to assassinate Longchamp would go ahead. Not only that, Roana and Allan's escape from the castle would have to be postponed while alternative plans were devised, and William's proposed wedding date was fast approaching. Roana felt sick just thinking about it.
"Have you heard anything yet?" Marian joined Roana in the main courtyard where Roana was lingering, absentmindedly gazing out towards the raised portcullis. It was beginning to rain lightly and they moved back to stand beneath the overhang above the main castle doors.
"Nothing yet," Roana said. "I'm really quite nervous."
"Don't be," Marian replied, quietly. "Robin won't fail us."
"I really hope so," Roana said, anxiously.
"Ah, Marian. Roana." It was the Sheriff, striding from the castle entrance to join them, shadowed by William, who had the grace to look sheepish in Roana's presence.
"My lady," he greeted her, his voice low.
"My lord," Roana replied, coolly, looking away pointedly as he came to stand beside her.
"Come on, you two. Kiss and make up," Vaisey grinned at them, mightily amused. "What can I say, Roana? My cousin cannot handle his wine. But I'm sure you can forgive his eagerness, eh? It is a compliment, is it not?"
Roana stared at him in horror, but it was Marian who replied in her primmest voice. "It is most certainly not, my lord Sheriff. A husband-to-be should show restraint and respect for his betrothed. Otherwise, how can she trust him to have her best interests at heart?"
The Sheriff turned to her sharply, and glared. "Isn't that what Gisborne showed you? Restraint and respect? And look what that earned him."
Marian fell quiet, looking mutinous. Roana continued to stare towards the portcullis, watching William from the corner of her eye as he edged closer. She turned very slightly away from him, presenting him with her coldest shoulder. She hadn't the time or the inclination to hear his excuses.
"Where are they, anyway?" Vaisey yelled, impatiently. "Gisborne better have that silver. Prince John will not accept any ridiculous excuses."
There came the sound of hooves on the lower bailey, and Roana shuffled her feet, restlessly, exchanging a quick glance with Marian. They were here.
Allan rode into the courtyard first, astride his bay horse. Roana had never seen his expression so serious, beard dark against his pale face. He caught Roana's eye and gave the slightest shake of his head, looking thunderstruck. Roana's heart sank. They had failed.
Gisborne followed him, clattering in on his black destrier. His fury was palpable, coming off him in waves as he dismounted and strode towards the Sheriff.
"Gisborne, where is the silver?" Vaisey asked in a dangerously quiet voice.
Guy shook his head, his mouth a grim line. "It was Hood, my Lord. He got there first, and.."
Roana glanced at Allan, confused. He shrugged, helplessly, and then looked towards the gateway. Guards on horseback were entering the courtyard, and in their wake came a tall, slight figure on foot, tethered tightly by a rope around his wrists. He stumbled as the guard leading him yanked on the other end of the rope, and Roana recognised his face as he straightened. It was Will, looking defiant.
Gisborne was struggling to explain to an apoplectic Sheriff, who suddenly fell silent at the sight of the newcomer, his face red.
"Who is this, Gisborne?"
Gisborne looked smug. "One of Hood's men, my Lord. We caught him escaping the scene. I thought we could use him as a bargaining tool to get the silver back."
Vaisey's mood changed instantly, and he descended the steps to stand in front of Will. The Sheriff grinned at him and Will looked back, balefully.
"So, which one are you then, outlaw?"
Will stared into Vaisey's eyes, unblinking, without speaking a word. The Sheriff raised his eyebrows.
"Looks like this one is broken, Gisborne," he said, with amusement, then moved closer to Will and spoke harshly. "Where is my silver, boy?"
Will paused as if considering his reply, and then drew back and spat in Vaisey's face. The Sheriff gave a roar and backhanded him across the face.
"Put him in the dungeons. Let the jailer burn the information out of him. And if that doesn't work, tell anybody and everybody that Robin Hood's friend will hang tomorrow if I do not get my silver back."


Unable to watch a second longer, Roana slipped away and hurried back into the castle, heading for her chambers. Her mind was in a turmoil. Part of her longed to celebrate, for Robin had taken the silver and effectively put a stop to the Sheriff and Prince John's plans. But she couldn't, because Will's life was in serious danger.
Roana's mood plummeted as she imagined the young outlaw's fate. There was no doubt in her mind that the Sheriff would carry out his threat of a public hanging if the silver was not returned by the morrow. Roana felt sick. Earlier that day, she had been filled with hope and anticipation, awaiting news of a successful ambush, as well as confirmation that she and Allan could leave the castle that very night. Now, there was only fear and uncertainty; fear for Will, locked in the dungeon with the Sheriff's jailer, who was well known for his torturing techniques, and uncertainty for the future.
She needed to talk to Allan, or Robin. Or both. She mulled this over as she entered her chambers, closing the door firmly behind her. Escape from the castle, even for a short period, would be difficult, especially as she was still under close guard after her recapture. However, if she was in disguise..
Kneeling down, Roana rummaged under her bed and pulled out the clothes Djaq had helped her to make while she was living in the forest. Quickly removing her dress and chemise and throwing them onto the bed, she pulled on the tunic and leggings, and then slipped her feet into her long boots. She had missed wearing her forest clothes, and instantly felt warmer and less restricted than she did in the long skirts and low-cut bodices of her dresses.
Wrapping her cloak around her and raising her hood, she made for the door, stopping short as there was a tap on the outside.
"My lady, are you in there?" came Alice's hushed voice.
Roana opened the door and pulled her inside, closing it firmly after her. Alice looked her up and down with a horrified expression on her face.
"Where are you going, my lady?"
"I need to speak to Robin," Roana replied, hurriedly. "This is the only way I'll be able to get out of and back into the castle unnoticed."
Alice was aghast. "My lady, it is far too dangerous right now. The Sheriff is on the lookout for outlaws in and around the castle. You could get yourself killed!"
"I'll be careful," Roana's tone was flippant, although her heart began to beat a little faster in her chest. "I have to go, Alice. I need to know what's going to happen now that Will has been caught. We have to rescue him before we can even consider escaping the castle."
"Then I'll come with you," Alice said, decisively, making for the door.
Roana stilled her with a hand to her arm. "Not today, Alice. I need to move fast and I'll be quicker alone. Stay here and try to find out what you can from the Sheriff. I know how good you are at that." She rubbed Alice's arm gently in an attempt to subdue her.
Alice thought for a moment and then nodded. "I can do that, my lady. But would you please speak to Allan before you go anywhere. He will worry if you disappear."
Allan would be as eager to formulate a plan as she was, Roana mused to herself, but said nothing. She allowed Alice to braid her hair so she could tuck it safely into her hood without detection, and grabbed Djaq's dagger. They parted company upon leaving the chamber, with Roana heading towards the guardroom, keeping to the shadows. Luckily, the main body of the keep was strangely deserted, and she was able to leave the upper bailey undetected and head down to the guardroom. Once there, she ducked into an alleyway and considered her next move.
From her vantage point, she could see the front entrance, and there appeared to be a bustle of activity within. But she couldn't be certain that Allan was in there, or how she would get his attenton if he was. Although she wanted to see him, it might be quicker and easier if she left for Sherwood Forest now, rather than waste time hiding behind corners.
With another glance at the guardroom entrance, she made up her mind and turned to leave, walking straight into Allan. Roana stifled a yelp and then slapped his chest in exasperation, her heart beating wildly in her chest.
Allan grabbed her hand and chuckled. "Did I scare you? I thought it was you. Nobody else could look as good in this outfit."
He looked her up and down, admiringly, and Roana laughed, self-consciously.
"Stop it!" She protested, blushing but unable to prevent a grin spreading across her face. "This isn't the time! I came to speak to you about Will and then I was going to find Robin."
Allan sobered, quickly. "I was about to find you. The jailer and Guy are still agreeing on the best way to torture him, so Will is safe for the time being. But I need to get him out of there, and quickly." He grimaced and rubbed his right side, grimly. "I've experienced the jailers work first-hand and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone."
Roana touched his arm, her heart suddenly hurting for the pain he must have suffered, and which he had never described. "We need to get him out of there as soon as possible, then. Do you have a plan?"
"We need to create a diversion," Allan said, decisively. "So I can get into the dungeons and free him, and then we can all leave this place today, as planned."
"Oh, we can, can we?" The Sheriff said. Roana's heart sank as she whipped around to find both him and Gisborne, stood watching them from the alleyway opening with arms crossed. The Sheriff grinned, showing the gap in his teeth. "Looks like we've found our traitors, Gisborne."

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