Chapter 44

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Friends and Enemies

Marian was feeling on edge, and she wasn't sure why. Life was good; better than it had been a week ago. Safely ensconced in Locksley Manor, her father's health improved by the day. He had regained colour in his cheeks and the continual cough he had suffered from in the castle was slowly abating. He had even begun to venture out for daily walks around Locksley village, and Marian couldn't ask for anything more. She was pleased, and grateful to Guy for allowing them to live there, however temporary.
There had been a noticeable change in Guy, too. He returned to Locksley on a daily basis, but only to collect taxes or speak to the staff. He was cordial to Marian and Edward, but no longer did he mope around after her like a lovesick puppy. He was polite and respectful, yet a distance had grown between them that Marian had mixed feelings about. On the one hand, it was a relief not to have to kow to his constant demands, and keep up the act of having an interest in him further than gathering information for Robin. But on the other hand, she missed just that. She was living blind, out at Locksley, and part of her was worried that this had been Guy's intention all along; to hide his and the Sheriff's unscrupulous plans from her.
Sighing, Marian concentrated on brushing the knots out of her hair. She was becoming as suspicious as Robin, seeing slights where there were none, especially when it came to Gisborne. Marian hoped that the knight had merely mellowed and that there was no ulterior motive behind his allowing them to stay at the manor. She didn't believe that Guy was all bad; there was a soft yet damaged heart hiding in there somewhere, beneath the leather and stern exterior.
There came a thud from outside the manor followed by a rattling at her window. Marian dropped her brush and grabbed a dagger, jumping to her feet as Allan dragged himself into the room, wriggling through the gap between the window frame. She watched in surprise as he clambered to his feet, dusted himself down, and gave her a grin.
"Alright, Marian?"
"Is the door not good enough anymore, Allan?" She said, coolly.
He shrugged. "Trying to avoid Gisborne, aren't I?"
Marian rolled her eyes. "Well, alright, but he isn't here anyway. Where's Robin?"
"That's why I'm here," Allan replied. "Robin's been caught by the Sheriff. We're going to the castle to break him out."
"What? How?" Marian asked quickly, galvanised into action as she grabbed her cloak and shrugged into it.
"We had a right afternoon," Allan explained, glancing out of the window, watchfully. "There were hounds in the forest. They must have cornered him. The Sheriff is after his silver, I bet."
Marian cursed and Allan looked at her in mild shock. She ignored him, slipping her dagger into the folds of her cloak. Her gut had told her that something was wrong, and panic began to well in her chest as she imagined Robin in the dungeons. Why did he constantly put himself in danger?
"He is so..." She broke off, letting out an exasperated breath between her teeth, then looked at Allan. "I'll set off now on horseback. It will be easier for me to get in if I go as Lady Marian, so I'll meet you there. Where are the others?"
Allan gestured towards the window. "We're heading straight there now." He began to climb back out. "Ro's worried."
"She's not the only one," Marian commented, watching as Allan got his cloak caught on a nail. "Allan, be careful."
"I'll be fine." He pulled himself free and momentarily lost grip of the window sill, teetering precariously on the ledge below the window before grabbing hold again. "Whoa, that was close." He grinned, seeming unbothered.
"Allan." Marian's heart was in her mouth as it was without any further trauma. "Please get to the castle in one piece. It is imperative that we rescue Robin, and he's going to need all of us to do that."


Guy of Gisborne was feeling tired and disillusioned with life in the castle. The Sheriff, struggling with unfamiliar feelings of inadequacy as Prince John continued to shun him, was taking it out on both Bridlington and Gisborne, and his demands were verging on unreasonable. As well as that, he berated them daily for their shortcomings, and there had been occasions recently when it had taken everything Gisborne had not to run him through with his sword. Guy was familiar with his own flaws and struggled with them daily; he didn't need a constant reminder from the Sheriff.
Guy had hoped that today's successful capture of Hood would have improved Vaisey's mood, but a thaw in his cold anger was yet to arrive. Instead, upon their return from Sherwood, he had begun to bait Bridlington about his father, the Sheriff of Yorkshire, and Gisborne had left the room, quietly. He had never been Bridlington's biggest fan, but it wasn't fun to witness anyone receive a dressing down from Vaisey when he was in one of his moods. The castle was not a nice place to be, and, even though he would never admit it, Gisborne missed Allan and Marian.
Sighing, he let himself into his chambers, hoping for some respite, and caught sight of the maid, collecting together his laundry. Seeing him, she blushed red and quickly gathered up the rest of the clothes, heading for the door.
"My lord," she said, quietly, bobbing a curtsy. He pushed the door shut behind him and stood in her way.
"Alice." His voice was deep and smooth. Alice looked at the closed door and then up at him, wide-eyed.
"Put those clothes down," he ordered in a growl. Startled, Alice dropped the pile of laundry as if it was red hot. Her brown eyes were huge in her small, heart-shaped face. He reached out and grabbed her head scarf, pulling it back slowly so it slid off to reveal her flame-red hair. He traced a finger along her jawline.
"Get onto the bed," he said, softly. Alice stared at him, trembling ever so slightly, before she broke into a wide grin and ran to jump onto the mattress.
Gisborne followed her, feeling the tension begin to leave his body as he reached her and covered her petite body with his own, kissing her, roughly. Alice responded, kissing him back with hunger and threading her fingers through his black hair. He could feel the smile on her lips, and his heart lightened.
Alice was the one thing that made life in the castle bearable. Guy had found it difficult to forget her after their encounter outside the dungeons, and he had glimpsed her around the castle more and more in the following days. She intrigued him and he wanted to learn more about her. Taking the bull by the horns, he had commandeered her as his personal maid, and began to spend an inordinate amount of time in his chambers, just for the chance to observe her. He was fascinated by her understated beauty, her hair, her poise, and her silence. She was an enigma and she drew him in, inexorably. She regarded him with barely concealed adoration, and, after Marian's cool approach, it did wonders for his ego. Alice gave herself freely to him without conditions, and he was hooked. That she had gifted him with her innocence was something he felt deeply about, but not without a degree of guilt. After all, as a mere servant girl, surely it could not lead to anything more.
But, lately, power and untold riches weren't holding quite the shine that they had, once upon a time. Constant rejection from Marian combined with the Sheriff's horrendous attitude had gradually worn away at Gisborne's greed and ambition, making him wish for an easier life. Maybe Alice was just that.
Losing himself in her was just what he needed, and he began to unlace her bodice, trailing kisses along her cleavage. Alice arched her back with a sigh and he slipped one hand beneath her skirts while the other released himself from the confines of his leathers. He paused to kiss her deeply. This would have to be quick as the Sheriff would surely come looking for him.
"How has your day been, my lord?" Alice asked, breathlessly, afterwards, as they lay in each others arms. Alice spoke more during their stolen moments in bed than she ever did when they were in a less intimate setting; in fact, before getting to know her, he had assumed that she was mute, or at least a little slow. He had quickly realised how wrong he was. She was shrewd and she was passionate, and she had an insatiable craving for knowledge. She could listen to stories of castle life, or the fears in his heart, for hours and never grow tired. She was also loyal to a fault, and, while she had chosen to remain in the castle rather than leave with Roana and Allan, she was still faithful to Hood's sister, and, by default, Hood. Guy wasn't sure how she would react when she discovered that Hood was languishing in the dungeons. He didn't want to tell her, and ruin the moment between them. On the other hand, he couldn't very well omit it from their conversation as she would surely find out from the guards instead. Then, he would be in her bad books, and he didn't want that at all. He wanted her on his side. But he was unsure how he could keep both Alice and the Sheriff happy. Hood deserved to hang - of this, Gisborne was certain. But did this belief stem purely from spite and jealousy? He had always hated the fact that Hood and Marian had once been betrothed. But maybe the two men had more in common than either of them would admit. Guy was growing weary of the Sheriff's continual quest for power by whatever means, and wasn't that the very thing that Hood fought against?
With a grimace, Gisborne attempted to push the thoughts from his mind, and dropped a kiss on Alice's shoulder, deciding to come clean. "We caught Robin Hood today."
Alice's hand, which had been tracing lines lazily up and down his arm, paused. "What will happen to him?" she said, a fearful note in her voice.
Gisborne was quiet for a beat while he composed his answer, which he knew wouldn't be received well however he delivered it. "The Sheriff plans to hang him."
Alice struggled out from beneath him and stood, straightening her clothes. Her expression, usually inscrutable, was distraught.
"Alice." He reached out to her. "Let me explain."
"What is there to explain?" Alice replied, quietly, picking up her head scarf and smoothing it back over her hair. "You've got what you wanted. You and the Sheriff. Robin will die and you will continue with your plans."
She began to gather together the discarded laundry, in a hurry to leave. Guy leapt off the bed and approached her, but she turned away from him.
"Alice. Please. I'm just doing my job. It is what's expected of me."
Alice stilled for a moment, her back to him. When she spoke, her tone had a finality to it that was like a hammer to his heart. "My mistake for expecting something better. I'm sorry, my lord. I forgot who you were."

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