Chapter 49

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Somebody to Love

The camp always felt empty without Robin. Much could never rest properly when he wasn't around. It was true; they didn't spend every minute of every day in each other's pockets. Not anymore, anyway - and Much was fine with that. But going to sleep at night, knowing that Robin wasn't there, felt strange, and Much had woken numerous times during the night, thinking about him. It was only natural, he told himself. He had been with Robin since he was twelve years-old, and he cared about him, deeply. It was natural to feel unsettled when he wasn't around. He was Much's best friend, and he was hurt.
Much knew that Robin was in good hands at Second Chance. Deorwynne was the best healer around; everybody knew that, even Djaq. But Much was looking forward to seeing him again. He couldn't help but pine for him a little. Like a dog pining for its owner, Allan had joked in the past, which had made Much feel a little foolish. But he couldn't just turn off his feelings, and forget the habit of a lifetime.
Much sighed to himself as he poked at the fire. Since Robin had released him from his duties as manservant, Much had found it difficult to take a step back and regard him as just a friend. They had spent the better part of thirteen years together. They had grown up together, become men together, fought in the Crusades side-by-side. Robin was the person Much loved most in the world. They were brothers, in everything but blood. Yet things were changing; Much could feel it. Robin was moving on. He was growing up. One day, he would marry Marian, and then what would become of Much? Surely Marian wouldn't want him hanging around, getting in the way.
No, Much would be left on his own. Everybody was pairing off; Robin and Marian, Will and Djaq, Allan and Roana. There would just be him and Little John left. Two bachelors, living in the forest. They could form their own, smaller gang, just the two of them. The Sherwood Avengers.
Or maybe he could find himself a woman and settle down.
Much smiled to himself as he cracked an egg into a pan. That sounded like an interesting option. Maybe that was what he needed in his life; a woman. A wife of his own. Mind you, she would have to understand that Robin came first. Much couldn't just abandon him in favour of a girl.
Laying two strips of bacon alongside his egg, Much wondered idly where he was going to find such a woman, and what she would look like. He was quite partial to blondes, but he wasn't fussy, just as long as she was pretty and kind.
Little John, woken by the aroma of cooking food, stretched in his bed and yawned, long and loud, ending on a roar. He then farted, equally as loudly, and launched himself out of bed, hitching his trousers up before heading into the forest to relieve himself.
"Charming," Much muttered to himself, rolling his eyes as he cracked another egg into the pan for John. "There's my future if I don't pull my finger out. Stuck in the forest with old badger beard over there."
There came a shout of alarm from the direction Little John had headed and Much leapt to his feet. Grabbing his sword and shield, he rushed to his friend's aid as Will and Djaq began to stir, raising puzzled heads.
John was stood in a clearing, hands over his crotch, having clearly been in the middle of emptying his bladder. He looked mortified. There was a young girl stood opposite him, hands flat against her face, covering her eyes. Judging by her attire, she was a servant, and Much wondered what she was doing in the forest.
"Who's this?" he said, lowering his weapons. John did have a tendency to overreact. Mind you, what was a young girl doing, roaming freely around the forest, and so near to the camp too?
"Has he put it away yet?" the girl said, fearfully.
Will, joining them in the clearing, exchanged amused glances with Much.
"Yes, you're quite safe."
Removing her hands slowly, the young girl's eyes darted straight to Little John's own, positioned safely over his crotch, and he glared at her before storming out of the clearing, muttering to himself about finding some peace and quiet. Appearing thankful, she began to wring her hands instead, looking from Much to Will.
"Lady Roana. Where is she?"
With dawning realisation, Much recognised her as Lady Roana's maid, Alice. She had been to the camp once before, and must have a memory for directions.
"Alice, isn't it? She's not here, Alice. She stayed elsewhere last night with Robin."
Alice looked distraught, her small face white and pinched.
"I need to speak to her. It's urgent," she whispered.
"Well," Much shrugged. "I don't know when she'll be back, I'm afraid. You can wait at the camp for her to return, though."
Alice glanced around the small clearing, as if Roana might suddenly materialise. "I don't have time. I have to be back at the castle before they notice I've gone."
"Oh. I don't know what to suggest then." Much was flummoxed. The girl was clearly upset about something, but he had no idea when Roana, Robin, and Allan would return from Second Chance. He would have offered to take her there, but there was evidently no time.
"Would you like us to give her a message?" Will asked.
Alice looked at them both, assessingly, and clearly found them wanting. "I should speak to Lady Marian instead."
Mildly offended but also now intrigued, Much perked up. "I can take you to Locksley Manor," he offered, more than generously, he thought, seeing as her distrust of both him and Will was so apparent.
Alice regarded him for a moment in silence, then nodded. Returning her nod, Much sheathed his sword and glanced at Will.
"Won't be long. Tell Robin where I've gone if he returns."
Experiencing a warm feeling of purposefulness, Much retrieved the horse he had taken from Nottingham the previous day and joined Alice astride her own chestnut mount. Much took the lead as they set off for Locksley at a brisk pace, galloping along the secret pathways through the greenwood that he and the outlaws knew so well. Alice kept pace with him admirably, and edged ahead of him as they came to Locksley village.
"My dear, what is the rush?" An older, distinguished-looking man was standing outside the manor house with two servants as they came to a halt in the courtyard, and it took Much a moment to recognise Sir Edward of Knighton, Marian's father. Much was surprised; last time he had encountered Sir Knighton had been very briefly at the castle, and he had seemed at death's door. But now, he was sprightly and robust, looking every inch the baron that he was.
Alice dismounted quickly and approached him, pausing to drop into a curtsy. "My lord, I am seeking the lady Marian. I have important news that I must share with her."
"Well, of course." Sir Edward gestured at one of the servants, a young, red-haired man. "Cranley, please summon Lady Marian."
As Cranley headed off into the house, Sir Edward looked up at Much, still mounted. "Is that you, Much? What business do you have here, in Locksley? Is Robin not with you?"
Much dismounted and went to his horse's head. "I'm with Alice. She has urgent news for Roana, but neither she nor Robin are in camp. So, she wanted to tell Marian instead."
He omitted to mention the fact that Alice could have told him and Will but decided against it, although it was at the forefront of his mind. He was still a little offended by it.
Marian appeared in the doorway dressed in trousers and a tunic, and riding boots, and Sir Edward tutted at her apparel. "Marian, really. Why you insist on dressing like a man, I'll never know. No wonder you are not yet married."
Marian rolled her eyes and answered her father, pertly, but the sound seemed to fade away as Much's eyes fell on the figure following Marian.
Slim, willowy, and flaxen-haired, he had dreamt about her face a thousand times and more since the day they had first met, over a year ago. He had been the newly appointed Earl of Bonchurch, a title bestowed on him by the Sheriff in an attempt to learn of Robin's plans. Vaisey had enlisted a servant girl to infiltrate Bonchurch Manor, working as a spy, and feed any information straight back to him. But the servant girl in question, Eve, has grown close to Much, and she had eventually changed sides and helped him to escape. Their final moments together had ended with a kiss, beautiful yet bittersweet, and, since then, Eve had only existed in his dreams. He hadn't even known what had happened to her, in the aftermath, and could only hope that she had escaped the Sheriff's wrath. And clearly she had, for now, here she was, at Locksley Manor.
Much couldn't believe it. He had imagined meeting Eve again in so many different scenarios, yet it had never played out in his dreams quite like this. She caught his eye on the steps of the manor house, and her expression flooded with joy. It seemed only natural for them to gravitate towards each other, past the conversation that continued in the courtyard, their eyes locked only on one another.
"Eve!" Much said, his tone one of wonder.
"My lord!" Her face broke into a toothy grin, and she lowered her eyes and dipped into a curtsy. "I thought I'd never see you again."
"It's Much, Eve," he corrected her, although a small part of him liked being addressed as such. "I'm no longer Earl of Bonchurch. Just Much."
"Much." She tried it out, and his name had never sounded sweeter in anyone's mouth. "I- I missed you."
Much felt a huge grin spread across his face. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh." She glanced around as if remembering where she was. "I work here now. For Sir Edward and Lady Marian. Sir Guy appointed me yesterday."
"Well." Much felt his whole being swell with a feeling of utmost pleasure. "I am very happy to hear that."
They smiled at each other, lost in a world that contained just the two of them, but were rudely interrupted when Marian called his name, sharply.
Brought back to reality with a jolt, Much approached Marian and Alice, momentarily flustered. "What's happened?"
Marian glanced at Eve and raised her eyebrows at him, her expression one of mild disapproval. "It's Bridlington," she explained, with exaggerated patience. "He, the Sheriff, and Guy are leaving for Yorkshire tomorrow. They plan to meet up with Prince John in Scarborough, but firstly, Bridlington wants to torch Filey Manor as revenge against Roana for breaking off their betrothal."
"What?" Much was outraged. "Well, what do we do?"
"We need Roana and Robin. Are they still at Second Chance?" Much nodded, glancing at Alice, who was watching Marian recount her words, a terrified look in her eyes. Marian placed a hand on his arm, urgently. "Much, you need to find them. We have to stop Bridlington."

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