Chapter 48

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Big Brother

Gisborne barely slept that night, even with Alice in his arms. Although, deep down, he knew he had done the right thing by assisting with Hood's escape, it didn't make the guilt any easier to deal with. As Master-at-Arms, the Sheriff trusted him implicitly, and he had betrayed that trust for an outlaw. And not just any outlaw - Robin Hood, the Sheriff's arch nemesis.
The Sheriff was understandably furious. Not only had he lost any chance of recovering the silver, he had also lost the chance to redeem himself in Prince John's eyes, at least for the moment.
That Hood had escaped at all was still a mystery. At first, Marian had been suspected, but too many people had witnessed her leaving the castle alone. One person claimed to have seen guards near the dungeons, but none of the garrison were owning up to it. Another person claimed that Hood was fey, and had magicked himself smaller, so small that he could fit through the bars on the cell door. That person no longer worked in the castle.
Bridlington had been found wandering around the castle, inebriated and with a huge bump on the back of his head. He claimed to have been attacked, but the general consensus was that he had gone for a drunken walk and had fallen. It wasn't so difficult to conceive; he spent most of his time in a stupor.
As always, someone had had to take the blame, and, on this occasion, it fell to the jailer, who had supposedly dropped his keys within reach of Hood's cell. The fact that Hood had been shackled to the wall at the time was largely ignored. It had taken some first-class grovelling from the jailer to escape the Sheriff's wrath with his life, let alone his job. Privately, Gisborne knew that the man was living on borrowed time, and that the Sheriff would find some reason to dispose of him sooner or later. It was up to Guy to delay that for as long as possible. He knew the full story. He was aware that Alice had stolen the keys, and knocked Bridlington out. While in the past, the knowledge would have enraged him and had him dragging Alice to the Sheriff to confess, now, her secrets were his to keep, and there was a small, clandestine part of him that was quietly impressed. Alice was a lot stronger and more determined than he had given her credit for. He hadn't expected her to embark on a one-woman rescue mission upon finding out Hood was in the dungeons, but she had. And he hadn't reckoned upon his own willingness to turn his back on the Sheriff for a mere servant girl.
But Alice was not a mere servant girl; not to Guy. While he hated Hood, he loved Alice, and love won out on that occasion. He just hoped that the Sheriff never find out, because Gisborne's life would not be worth living. Despite his growing distaste for Vaisey, Guy still owed him a lot. Vaisey had presented him with many opportunities, and although Gisborne wasn't proud of a lot of the things he had done under orders from the Sheriff and Prince John, Vaisey had given him Locksley, a title, and a regular income. Without any of that, Gisborne would be nothing.
Dawn was beginning to seep through the window when Gisborne finally gave up any attempt at sleep. He considered waking Alice, but she looked so peaceful, asleep beside him. She would be waking soon anyway to begin her work. He regarded her, tenderly. Maybe one day, she wouldn't have to get up for work. Maybe her only work could be looking after him, as his wife.
Gisborne sighed. He had been thinking about it more and more as the days progressed. She was the only person who truly understood him. Why would he want to marry somebody else when he had everything he needed, here in his bed. So what if she was only a servant? His own status would improve her own. She could be his Lady Locksley. Now Roana had been outlawed, there were no remaining threats to Gisborne's title. He would enjoy his life as a lord with Alice by his side. She may not be a noblewoman but she was brave and she was beautiful, and she actually cared about and understood him. That was all he asked for.
Pulling his leathers on, he left his chambers and made his way through the castle, heading to the guardroom. It was very early and the keep was deep in slumber, the servants not due to rise until a little later. Therefore, Gisborne was surprised to come across the Sheriff, striding purposefully down the corridor towards him.
"Ah, Gisborne," Vaisey came to a stop in front of him, his eyes gleaming with a determined light. "I was just coming to find you."
Gisborne looked doubtful. "It is early, my lord."
"Yes, yes, and?" the Sheriff said, impatiently. A leer crept its way onto his face. "What, you didn't want to be disturbed, eh? You think I don't know about you and that servant girl, eh, Gizzy?"
Gisborne was flustered, having assumed he and Alice had been discreet. He opened his mouth to bluster a reply, and Vaisey clapped him on the back.
"And why the hell not, I say? At least you're not still moping around after Marian, Gisborne. You were fighting a losing battle there, in my opinion. Have your fun with the maid. Just don't let it affect your work."
Gisborne closed his mouth in acquiescence and nodded. The Sheriff didn't miss a trick.
"Anyway, Gisborne, I need you to pack," Vaisey continued. "We're going on a little trip."
"Where are we going, my lord?" Gisborne asked in surprise.
"To Scarborough with Bridlington, via Filey," the Sheriff explained, succinctly. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? A nice trip to the seaside."
Gisborne was stunned. "But... why, my lord?"
Vaisey grinned at him, the gap in his teeth a cube of black. "And why not, Gizzy? I fancy a jaunt out. Prince John is still there, and it's about time he stopped ignoring me. The things I have done for that man, and he chooses my uncle over me? A clue: no. Why should Devereux have all of the fun? I'm tired of him weaselling his way in. It's time Prince John remembered who the faithful one is around here."
Gisborne nodded in agreement. He knew that the Sheriff was prickling over Prince John's continued shun of Nottingham. Castle Rock had always been one of the most important of the royal fortresses, the gateway to the north. But John preferred Scarborough Castle and always had.
Vaisey wanted to win back his place in Prince John's affections, and he was prepared to travel to ensure it happened.
"Of course, my lord. When will we be leaving?"
"Day after tomorrow, Gisborne. Aldrich of Clun will be stepping in as deputy Sheriff in my absence, so I need to show him the ropes beforehand." Vaisey clapped his hands together. "It'll be nice, won't it? A trip away, just the two of us." He smirked. "Unless you want to bring your little maid, eh, Gizzy? The sea air gets them in the mood, you know."
Gisborne turned away, rolling his eyes. "I'll make the arrangements for the carriage."
"Good." Vaisey was already marching back the way he had come. "And make sure to pack some clean leathers, Gisborne. We'll be mixing with royalty, not your average Nottingham scum."

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