Chapter 32

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Guy to the Rescue

Sir Guy of Gisborne was having a bad day. In fact, he was having a bad month, and it wasn't getting any better.
Coming out of Marian's chamber after their brief conversation, he paused to ruminate on the news she had imparted. She had seemed so adamant, so earnest in her delivery, and so filled with concern for his plight, that he couldn't disbelieve her. Maybe she would never reciprocate his deep feelings for her, but he was certain that she had his best interests at heart. She wouldn't lie about something of this magnitude, surely. And, if Marian wasn't lying, then somebody was.
Gisborne's mood darkened inexorably as it slowly dawned on him that he was being taken for a fool. The Sheriff had given Locksley and Huntingdon to HIM when Hood had been outlawed. Yet now, according to Marian, that imbecile Bridlington was angling for his slice of Nottingham, and, by marrying Roana, he would rightfully usurp Gisborne as lord of that particular manor.
Gisborne detested Bridlington. He had swept in to replace Guy as Vaisey's right hand man, and had begun to systematically destroy everything that Guy had fought so hard to build. To say he was fuming was an understatement.
Guy clenched his fists. The urge to hunt down Bridlington and smash his arrogant face in was suddenly paramount, but, no matter how good it would feel, it wouldn't get him anywhere. He needed to speak to Vaisey, and find out exactly what was going on before he overreacted.
As he turned towards the Sheriff's chambers, Allan appeared around the corner, looking dishevelled. Pausing, Gisborne looked him up and down in disbelief.
"What happened to you?"
"Oh, uhmm," Allan looked down at his mud streaked uniform. "Well, you'll never believe it. There was a pickpocket at the castle gates and I chased him, but he cut through the stables and they were clearing the muck heap, and I.."
"Alright, alright, I get the idea," Gisborne interrupted with a grimace. "You need to clean yourself up. You don't live in the forest anymore. Have you seen the Sheriff?"
"No, no. I was trying to find you." Allan lied, taking in Guy's tense demeanour. "Everything okay?"
Gisborne glared at him. "No, it's not. I need to speak to the Sheriff."
"Anything I can help with?" Allan asked, casually, angling for details.
Gisborne huffed a response. He despised outlaws. Robin Hood was like a thorn in his side, obstructing him wherever he turned, and forcing Allan to spy for him and betray Hood's plans had been the ultimate revenge. If Guy couldn't have his woman, then he would steal his friends. When Allan had come to him, begging for a job after Hood had discovered his treachery, Gisborne had taken him in with very low expectations. After all, the man was a liar and a thief, and had proven that he couldn't be trusted, even by his closest friends. But, over the past few days, Gisborne had been surprised to find that Allan was actually quite likeable in an annoying kind of way, and a hard worker when he put his mind to it. The knight was beginning to appreciate his presence.
However, could he trust him with Marian's news?
Gisborne opened his mouth to speak, but was cut short by the sound of scurrying footsteps in the corridor, coming towards them.
It was Alice, Roana's maid, heading for Marian's chamber. She started at the sight of them, looking distressed. Her expression was stricken, and she gazed at them both with huge, doe eyes before approaching Gisborne.
"My Lord, please help me," she beseeched.
"What is it?" He snapped, impatiently, but she wasn't deterred.
"Its Lady Roana, my Lord," she said in a rush, putting a tentative hand on his arm.
"What about her?" Allan said, quickly, his voice rough.
Alice looked at him, desperately, then back at Guy. "Sir William is in her room. I don't think his intentions are pure.. I fear for her safety."


"Well, of course we can get to know each other better," Roana said, struggling to keep the fear out of her voice. "Let me dress and then I will meet you in the Great Hall for refreshments."
William laughed, a short, harsh sound, and began to pull Roana closer.
"We can do it here," he leered at her. "Why wait for our wedding when we can consummate our union right now? We don't need fancy dresses and baubles for that."
"William— my Lord, no! Not like this!" Roana tried to break free, but he wound his arms around her, crushing her close. Roana's breath caught in her throat in terror; he smelled strongly of wine, and she realised how drunk he really was. His eyes were bloodshot and glassy with intention, boring into hers.
"Come on, Roana," he wheedled, his voice thick with amusement and lust. "You belong to me anyway. I fully intend to take what's mine."
Roana began to struggle in earnest, but she was held fast against his chest. Grabbing a handful of her hair, he pulled her head back and clamped his mouth over hers. His tongue thrust its way between her lips, and she gagged, sick at the very thought of him and his disgusting plans. Bringing her knee up, she attempted to injure him in his most sensitive place but he sidestepped her easily. Moving back, he pushed her and she fell back onto her bed. Ricocheting off the mattress, she jumped up and made to run, but he caught her and forced her backwards, pinning her down with his body. She was trapped beneath him.
"Don't do this, William," she begged, but she could see that he was too far gone to hear her, too determined to take what he assumed was his.
Roana drew in a deep breath as he made to kiss her again and screamed at the top of her lungs, smashing her fists onto his shoulders. "Get off me!"
There was a huge crash and, suddenly, William was gone, wrenched off her with force. Gasping, she scrabbled backwards up the bed, desperate to get away from him before she realised Allan was in the room, his sword drawn and pointed at William, looking angrier than she had ever imagined he could look. Her heart leapt into her throat even as her eyes brimmed with tears of relief.
He glanced at her, quickly. "Are you alright?" His voice was tight and his gaze stormy. Roana pressed her lips together and nodded, unable to speak, her face white and pinched.
William began to laugh, low and mockingly. "Your knight in muddy chainmail, my dear?" He queried, mildly, before he snarled at Allan. "You ridiculous little upstart. How dare you come in here and interrupt my private time with my wife-to-be. I'll have you out of this castle so quickly your feet won't touch the ground!"
"The lady asked you to stop," Allan growled. "Or do you not understand plain English? And I don't work for you."
William drew his sword with a bellow and lurched forwards. He was already off-balance, and Allan parried him easily, dodging to the side and driving William back. Caught off guard, he teetered backwards, checked himself with a strangled cry and ran again at Allan, unsteady on his feet. Allan blocked his sword with his own, before punching him squarely in the face. William stopped short, dropping his sword in surprise, before his face turned blood-red with fury and he grabbed Allan by the lapels, only to pause as there came a roar of unbridled anger.
It was Gisborne, dark and imposingly tall in the doorway with Alice by his side. Glimpsing Roana on the bed, she hurried to her as Gisborne moved further into the room, glaring at William.
"Get off him!" Guy thundered, his voice deep and authoritative.
William began to laugh and pushed Allan away from him, turning to sneer at Gisborne.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't my cousin's whipping boy, SIR Guy of Gisborne. Come to join the party, Gisborne?" He spat out his name, swaying precariously as if in a sharp gust of wind.
"You're drunk," Guy said in disgust.
"And you're an idiot," William replied, triumphantly. "You'll never amount to anything, Gisborne. You do realise that, don't you? Lady Marian can't even stand the sight of you, let alone Vaisey."
Guy took a deep breath, controlling his emotions perfectly. However, when he spoke, his tone brimmed with latent fury. "I learnt the hard way never to force myself on a woman who doesn't want me. A lesson you have yet to learn." He put his hand to the hilt of his sword, warningly. "Now, leave this room before I plant you on your backside."
William stared at him, furiously, for a long moment. Then, he drew himself up, imperiously, and picked up his sword, sheathing it on the second attempt. "I'd like to see you try, Gisborne. But another time. I have wasted enough of my day here."
He brushed past Guy rudely and swept out of the door. Allan immediately went to Roana, cupping her face in his hands.
"Did he hurt you?"
Roana shook her head. "You got here on time." She ended on a sob, and he pulled her into him, resting her head on his shoulder as he enfolded her in his arms. He kissed the top of her head, tenderly.
"I told you I'd protect you."
Guy cleared his throat, awkwardly, and Allan met his thoughtful gaze with a challenging stare. After a moment, Gisborne gave an almost imperceptible nod and turned to leave.
"Thank you, Sir Guy," Roana said, her voice muffled against Allan's shoulder. Allan offered him the ghost of a smile, worry and the remnants of anger still etched across his brow.
Gisborne shrugged, modestly. "You're welcome, my lady. I'm just glad that we could stop him. And you," he looked at Allan, mock stern. "In the courtyard, as soon as you're done here. We have work to do."

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