Chapter 6

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~ At the ice cream shop ~

Poppy was licking her favorite ice cream: cotton candy. She loved it because one, it tastes delicious, two, it had blue and pink swirls, which are Poppy and Branch's colors. Sitting down at the bench next to the shop, she waited for her boyfriend. Soon, Branch came out eating his ice cream: chocolate. He sat down next to Poppy, enjoying their time together.

Soon after, Poppy looked at the time and said, "Oh, I have to get going. There's some friends that wanted to hang out with me today." Branch joked, "You want to hang out with them instead of me?" Poppy rolled her eyes in a teasing way. Branch then did it: the puppy dog eyes. Poppy found it hard to resist those, and she loved to hang out with him, so she was always surprised when she could resist.

"Branch, I'll meet up with you later, okay?" She laughed, and Branch laughed along. "Alright," he said. Poppy gave him a hug before leaving. Once she was gone, Branch decided to go to his bunker.

Whenever Branch is alone in his bunker, it gives him time to reflect, but he always thinks to himself, What if I make a mistake that would mess up my relationship with her? What if something happens to her? What if she doesn't want to stay with me? He has these thoughts sometimes, and when he does, it's sort of a grumpy day for him. Poppy doesn't know what causes these days, but when he isn't in a good mood, she knows to be gentle.

The blue troll suddenly didn't want to go to the bunker after a few minutes of walking. He decided to go to the place where the two love to watch the sunset together. It seems Poppy had the same idea, because soon after, she walked over. She looked a little tired, her head slight lowered. When Poppy looked up, she saw Branch, which took her by surprise. Upon seeing him, she immediately put on a smile to prevent him from worrying. "Oh, Branch! I didn't think you'd be here!" she said, but Branch already noticed her tiredness. "Poppy, something's up," he said. Poppy sighed. "Wanna talk about it?" Poppy nodded.

She walked over and sat down next to Branch and rested on his shoulder. "I guess," she started, "sometimes being queen is a lot to handle. Not even two minutes after I left, about a dozen trolls came up to me and told me so many things I have to do. I got about half of them done, but I still have a ton to do tomorrow." The queen sighed again. She was really stressed and felt pressured to be a good queen.

But Branch understood. He said, "I'll always be here for you if you need anything," pulled her close, and cuddled her. He felt the pink troll relax in his arm, and he teased, "You like that, don't ya?" She pulled away playfully and said, "No I don't!" She giggled. The two continued to tease each other, and before they knew it, it was sundown. After watching the sunset, the two set off, ready for bed, each happy that they had the other.

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