Chapter 9

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Waking up, Branch felt weighed down. He didn't have the best dream. He dreamt that he and Poppy had a fight and broke up. He didn't like it one bit. Something about it just felt so.... real. This put him in a bad mood. Whenever he had a nightmare or just a regular bad dream, especially one that felt like it actually happened, he always tried to distance himself from everyone.

Back at Poppy's pod, the queen was still sleeping. She was tired; she had stayed up late, thinking about her relationship. She only thought one thing: What if something happens so I have to end this relationship? She was a queen, and sometimes that meant giving up other things. Her dad had told her so. She couldn't stand the thought, and as a result, she twisted and tuned until she fell asleep.

Poppy woke up late, only to find that the village had left a list of things she had to do today. Poppy gasped, realizing something. "I have to go with Barb today! Looking through the list to see if there were things she could do quickly, she found a note from the Hard Rock Queen.

Popcorn, I received a note from Fishy saying he had some stuff to do around the place of seaweed. I wrote to the others, telling them they could come tomorrow. Hope you don't have anything to do tommorow  'cause I need you then.            ~Barb

Poppy half-sighed, half-laughed, relieved that she had one thing off her list and giggled at Barb's nickname for Trollex. She still had a bunch of stuff to do though. She got dressed and skipped her way to Branch's bunker, hoping he'd help her out. She was still of half-asleep and didn't know about Branch's nightmare.

Poppy knocked on his knocked his doo. "Branch?" She asked tiredly. Branch made his way up the elevator and saw it was Poppy. "Oh, hi, Poppy, come in," he said. He didn't look her in the eyes. At least, not for more than a few seconds. He still just couldn't resist those magenta eyes.

He asked Poppy, "Why did you sleep in so late?" Poppy rubbed her arm, not really wanting to talk about it. "I had too many thoughts in my head," she said. "That's actually why I'm here. Do you think you could help me in the village again today?" Then she told him about the last at of things she had to do.

Still bothered by last night, Branch replied sharply, "No." Poppy was startled by his snap. Being a little irritated and stressed herself, she asked, "Why not?" She said it a little harshly, but she hoped she didn't sound too mad. "Because you can do it yourself, you're the queen after all!" Branch shouted. Poppy was taken aback. She was still oblivious to Branch's bad day.

"But you always help me! Why are you so mad?" Branch groaned. "You're so annoying!" The pink troll now had tears forming in her eyes. He was never usually like this. "Please, Branch, you're not being yourself!" Branch yelled, "Can't you just leave me alone?!" Poppy shouted back, "No! You're always there for me, always by my side! You support me through everything! I need you now!" Branch has had enough. "If you're going to be like this, FINE! THEN I'M...!" He thought for a second. "I'm taking a break from you!"

He was about to say, "breaking up with you," but no matter how mad he is at her right now, he still loved her. He went with "taking a break" instead. "Now leave me alone..... Popsqueak." Poppy was shaking. She whispered, "This isn't the Branch I love," and ran to the elevator, up it, and to her pod in tears.

By My Side ~A Broppy Fanfiction~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora