Chapter 8

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"Oh, yeah, do you think you could help me around the village today?" Poppy asked. "Like I said yesterday, there's just too much to do." Branch said, "Of course! Just tell me what to do." Poppy smiled. "Okay, next, I need to help Biggie organize his Mr. Dinkles photos, and you know how many he has, and I have to do that in thirty minutes, and then I have to gotta go to Satin and Chenille's again because they need an opinion on the latest designs..." She trailed off.

Branch could read her clearly, so he comforted her by rubbing her back. He knew that always calmed her down, and sure enough, she relaxed upon his touch. "We can start by helping Biggie with the Dinkles pictures, and about halfway through, you can go get a head start with the twins. I'll stay with Biggie and organize. With the head start, you should clear some time, and then we'll figure out the rest, okay?" Branch said.

Poppy smiled to herself. She loved that Branch was so willing to help. She nodded and said, "Okay. Let's start heading down to Biggie's, then." So the two started on Poppy's tasks for the day.


After putting restrictions on ice cream refills to three times, she found Branch finishing up the final touches on the sign to the new park. She waved, and Branch acknowledged it with a nod. Poppy said, "Can you believe that everyone's getting seven refills of ice cream? I mean, we don't have an unlimited amount of dessert for you, people!" Branch chuckled. "I can believe it," he said. He also liked that Poppy had an angry-humorous side to her.

"Annnnd.... Done!" Branch said as he finished. "How does it look?" He asked, holding it up for Poppy to see. She exclaimed, "It looks great! C'mon, let's go put it up." She took his hand and walked over to the park

Once they were done, Branch asked, "What's next?" Poppy thought for a second. "Actually... Nothing! We did everything!" Poppy said, surprised. Branch said, "See? We cleared up a bit of time in the day working together." Poppy held her hand for a high five. Branch did the same, and their hand smacked each other's- the perfect connection.

"Now we have some time alone. At me pod?" Branch responded, "Sure." They went to the queen's pod and snuggled in bed (I know what you dirty-minded people are going to say!) reading a scrapbook. When evening fell, the two said good night and left.

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