chapter 2

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chapter 2

"caught beneath the landslide
in a champagne supernova in the sky"


Blaise would be lying if he said that he wasn't kind of grateful that Lyra needed him. Sure, he hated seeing her depressed and tired like she had been, and he had been really worried when he got the owl from Zara.

But after he had returned home, waving goodbye to Zara and Fay, kissing Lyra one last time, and shaking Elliot's hand (which had nearly sent him into a panic that he hid very well), a very sick part of him wanted another owl the next day telling him Lyra needed his help.

Unfortunately, it didn't arrive and Blaise was forced to sit through his mother's wedding plans. Millions of pictures, fabrics, and centerpieces littered their dining table as she looked through it all, while Blaise sat at the other end, reading.

"Figilio, che dire di questo?" She held up a cobalt cloth, then turning it to the light.

"It looks fine, madre." He said he had been responding the same way for twenty minutes, no longer paying attention to what she was showing him.

It wasn't like his mother even cared about his opinion, after every response she would mutter time herself and decide on her own. But Blaise knew better than to stand up and leave.

So he stayed, half listening to what his mom was saying and half pretending to read.

Thankfully, it ended soon. With the wedding only a few weeks away, Blaise would only have to endure planning for another week before the house elves began setting up.

He hadn't been lying when he told Lyra that this had become like a chore, but now it was basically a routine. He knew what time he had to wake up for the month before the wedding, knew how to dress, knew what to say, knew when to help, speak, leave.

Which is why the morning of July 24, Blaise was awake at 5:30 am. His mother had set out his skin care products, lotions and potions that would protect his skin.

("Your bellezza must be protected, Blaise. It is Zabini brand. It is power.")

In fact, he had been taking care of his skin since he was probably 12. With lotions for under eye bags, potions to avoid acne, hair products until he decided to cut it short.

He quickly applied what he needed, the way his mother always told him to, before pulling his clothes from the outfit bag.

Nodbey had washed and ironed it the night before, hanging it in his walk in closet after, along with his dress shoes nicely set on the floor. After dressing he moved to his jewelry, a simple gold chain, two rings (one for his Slytherin house, the other his family ring).

By the time he was dressed the Zabini mansion was bustling to life, the way it only ever did when there was a ball or wedding.

He waltzed past the house elves for hire, nodded politely at his soon to be father-in-law, and greeted his mother's maids. He reached his mother's room and knocked, only coming in when she allowed it.

She was still in a morning robe, her dress hung against the door of her open closet. And the heels were under it.

No matter how many times she did it, Fiorella Zabini never once dwindled her effort on her weddings. Every time, there was a new stunning gown, an amazing reception, and a perfect ceremony.

Blaise always assumed it was because she liked the feeling of being in the gown and walking down the aisle. Recently though, he just believed she wanted to show the money she could spend on something she would be doing again in a few years.

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