chapter 15

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chapter 15

"so let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun"


The Gryffindor quidditch team arrived in the hospital the next morning to see the Weasley family huddled near a bed, worried as to why Ginny, their keeper, and their captain were missing. Ron Weasley was in the hospital wing, recovering from a love potion and poisoning, it turns out it had been an awful birthday for him despite the raging party. Hermione, Harry, and the Weasleys were by his side when the quidditch team had arrived, Lyra going in to hug the twins, Molly, and Arthur.

The quidditch team wasn't allowed to stay for longer than a few minutes, Madam Pomfrey had practically chased them out and they had returned to the common room, no longer fit to practice that day.

They didn't resume practices until later that week, Cormac McLaggen taking Ron's place and being nothing if not a control freak and annoying piece of shit in Lyra's book. As the game neared, the team was nowhere near prepared for their game, even if it was against Hufflepuff.

Lyra was however very grateful for the awful practices as they were a great distraction from the eventual heartbreak that would creep in when she wasn't focused on doing something.

Even so as the game neared, Gryffindor team more disconnected than ever Lyra and Ginny passed the Quaffle back and forth, nearly reaching the Hufflepuff post when Ginny was blocked suddenly by the Keeper.

As they made their way back towards the Gryffindor pitch, preparing to stop the Hufflepuff Chasers. It proved to be a much more difficult task with McLaggen practically screaming in their ears about each thing they had seemingly done wrong.

"Shut up, McLaggen!" Lyra screamed back as Harry called for him to return to his post.

The game continued with no better turnout, as McLaggen took every opportunity to correct someone else on their position.

Lyra found it much harder than she had ever been to concentrate on the game, focus wondering momentarily. Thankfully, it didn't last much longer.

When the score reached seventy to forty in favor of the Hufflepuffs it seemed McLaggen decidedly went from correcting others to taking over their positions, including captain.

Suddenly, he was holding up Peake's bat and swinging, Harry was flying towards them before anyone else could react and the game seemed to completely pause to watch.

Everyone else saw it before Harry or McLaggen. The keeper swung the bat hard, missing the Bludger by a lot, but the sickening crack of the bat landed and made the entire pitch wince. And then Harry was falling.

There were multiple yells from the pitch as Ginny and Peake dived just in time to catch an unconscious Harry and slowly bring him towards the grounds where Madam Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, and Hermione were waiting to wheel him back to the Hospital Wing.

The pitch was mostly silent, other than whispers throughout the crowd as the players landed on the ground as well.

Lyra didn't waste a second, as soon as she landed she was rushing towards McLaggen, reeled back and landed a hard punch into his abdomen.

The crowd either jeered or winced as McLaggen doubled over. Demelza quickly dived in front, pulling her away as she was reeling for a second well deserved punch.

Fay and Zara were waiting for her by the changing rooms.

"That was awesome."

"That was not ok!"

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