chapter 7

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chapter 7

"she's leaving me in afterglow, in afterglow
I think it's time I told her, that these words about her"

-The Driver Era

Blaise didn't end up skipping out on meeting Lyra that night, unable to fight the urge to see her.

When did you become so whipped?

...I hate you.

He didn't tell her about his revelation either, they didn't even talk about the potions class. Instead finding easy conversation in their first days, Lyra's Arithmancy classes, Zara and Fay's relationship that Blaise had not seen coming.

("I kind of wish they had told me. I know they were worried but I didn't know about them at all." Lyra had said with a tiny pout, "I mean how could I miss it, I'm their best friend."

Blaise smiled and kissed at her bottom lip, "Well, you aren't the most observant, love."

She giggled and smacked at his arm, "Shut up.")

They stayed in the kitchen well past midnight, until Lyra let out a tiny yawn.

"We should head back," He said, rubbing at her back while she wrapped her arms around him, pressing her cheek into his shoulder.

Lyra let out a small whine, "No, wanna stay with you."

I love you.

"I know, but you're tired. You need to go to bed."

She tightened her arms around her, "Maybe I'll take you with me. Sneak you into my dorm. I can kick Fay out, she'll go with Zara. And the others usually stay up late."

Blaise chuckled, "Guys aren't aloud in girl dorms, remember."

"Oh yeah," She groaned, still not letting him go. "One day I'll figure out how to break that rule."

Blaise pressed a kiss to her head, "We can always sneak into the Slytherin rooms. I'll kick everyone out of the dorms."

Lyra chuckled, "'M holding you to that."

"I know you are," He chuckled, "But you have to get to bed now. You have tryouts tomorrow."

"Just five more minutes." She mumbled into his shirt again.

And Blaise, who could never say no to Lyra, agreed. And after ten minutes he agreed again, and again. Until he threatened to leave her at the Gryffindor common room entrance, which he would never actually do.

With a grumble she pulled herself away from him, unraveling her arms and legs from his neck and torso and kissing him before turning to leave.

And when she was gone he threw away the bottles they had of Butterbeer before walking down to the Slytherin dorms.

"Did you tell her?" Theo whispered from his bed.

Blaise shook his head, "Not exactly."

With the green shadows in the room he could see Theo raised an eyebrow, "How did you manage to fuck that up?"

II. roman holiday | blaise zabiniOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant