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*Morning letter*

The first rays of sunlight were beginning to shine outside. In the middle of the sheets you turned your body slowly waking up from a good night of sleep to realize that you were alone. When you opened your eyes you didn't see your boyfriend Bob by your side. Where was he?

You stretched your body and got ready for another day. Bob was still on your mind. It was unusual for him to disappear in the morning without saying goodbye.

So that's when you saw a piece of paper on the nightstand. Your name was written in big round letters. It was Bob's handwriting, no doubt.

Dear (Y/N),

I'm sorry I left in the morning without telling you, but you slept so peacefully that I didn't wanted to wake you up. You look beautiful when you sleep, do you know that? And God, I just want to be able to wake up every morning with you by my side for the rest of my life.

I'm sorry I left without a goodbye kiss, but work calls me. Problems with the new album. I'll tell you everything when I get home.

I love you very much (Y/N).

Yours, forever,


P.S.: Last night was incredible.

That letter made you smile. 

You loved Bob more than anything in life.

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