Chapter 1

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In July, the hot summer had nearly passed by and the air was finally beginning to cool. The Su family's yard was quiet this afternoon.

Su Tang walked straight across the courtyard to the kitchen. Madam Zhao, her nominal grandmother, saw what she was doing from the main room and felt annoyed. But she didn't dare do anything more, for fear that Su Tang might smash her own head again. If Su Tang died, who would the Su family sacrifice to the River God tomorrow?

After a brief glance across the four rooms of the Su family, which were all silent like they were playing dead, Su Tang put on a smile that was more like a sneer and walked into the kitchen to boil the rest of the eggs in the pot and take them away.

A person who was going to die tomorrow would obviously have no scruples about taking some food.

"Sister..." When Su Tang took the eggs back with her to the barn she saw a little boy looking at her with big black eyes. He looked at her as if he was afraid that she would disappear at any moment.

Seeing the small child like that, Su Tang's heart could not help but feel a throb of sympathy. Although this child was not her 'real' brother, she still felt distressed. Su Tang quickly handed him the bowl of eggs. "You eat Dalang!"

When the little boy saw that there were a dozen eggs in the bowl, his eyes opened wide with fear. He looked at his sister. "Can we really eat this? Won't grandma scold you?"

Su Tang sat against the bedboard, peeled an egg, and then put it in the boy's hand. "It's fine, if I tell you to eat then you just go ahead and eat."

The little boy's lips pressed into a reluctant line and he couldn't help but gulp. He seemed to have a brief internal struggle but eventually, he put the egg back into Su Tang's hand. "Sister you should eat this. You were injured and it will help you get better."

As soon as he finished his words, Su Tang felt a sting at the corner of her eyes. He was such a sweet child. Why was there such a cruel person in this world who was willing to abuse him?

Su Tang rubbed her eyes and nodded. "Sister will eat, but Dalang should eat too. We can both eat."

The boy looked up at his sister and tears welled in his eyes. "Sister, are we going to see our mother soon? They said that we are going to die and see the River God. Sister, can we not die?"

His childish language was like a sharp arrow that pierced Su Tang's heart. She reached out to help her brother dry his tears, "We won't die, we'll both live well, better than anyone else."

When the little boy heard his sister say this, he threw himself into Su Tang's arms.

Su Tang held her brother in her arms and her mind went back to a day ago. She had originally been an editor for an online publication. She happened to meet a client with an urgent need for a manuscript to be edited so she rushed to work overtime for two days.

It was said that staying up late would lead to baldness and Su Tang had proved with her own body that a person would not only go bald but would also lose their life. After staying up for two days straight, she had only seen the world go black and when she woke up again she was already Su Dani of the Su family.

Su Dani and Su Dalang were born to their father, Su Dafu, who was originally married to Madam Liu. But Madam Liu was in poor health and she died less than two years after giving birth to Dalang. So then Su Dafu married his current wife: Madam Wu.

After marrying in, Madam Wu would always say that Su Dani and Dalang were both fated to face adversity*, that they had killed their own mother, and that they were unlucky stars. By coincidence, the Su family had been having a harder and harder time over the past few years, until even their father and Madam Zhao did not like the sister and brother pair. They blamed them for making the Su family like this.

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