Chapter 38

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Su Tang smiled thinly when she saw that Madam Zhao did not speak. "Since sister-in-law isn't saying anything let me say something instead. As you can see, if you ever have any troubles or doubts, don't randomly say things behind other people's back and then waste their time by coming to their door and asking for an explanation."

Then her voice turned chilly as she continued. "You should know very well that my brother and I were rejected by the River God because of our adverse fate. That fate is ours, and we will bear it, but if you want to come and bother us with irrelevant matters again in the future, well, we won't do anything terrible. But maybe we will visit your house from time to time and just... walk around."

When Madam Wu heard Su Tang's words, she couldn't help but look up at the girl. She saw that even though she was clearly a young girl with a gentle smile on her face, her eyes were frosty and calculating, and she looked like a completely different person.

Maybe she felt Madam Wu's eyes on her, because Su Tang also looked over, and when their eyes met the older woman saw something cold and razor-sharp deep in the younger girl's eyes.

Madam Wu froze for a moment, then she went to take a second look all she saw was a young girl smiling sweetly, but she felt a hint that there might be something abominable under that smile.

Su Tang slowly scanned the gathered crowd and threatened those people unabashedly. After all, she had already spread the news that she and her brother had an adverse fate in the hopes that they would be able to live a few more days in peace, so she would never be polite with the people who insisted on doing evil against er despite that.

She had to show people that she was not the same pitiful person who could only be bullied or sympathized with anymore.

When the onlookers heard Su Tang's words they all bowed their heads silently or looked away uncomfortably, suddenly remembering how these two children had come back from the Qing River.

"It seems that everyone agrees with what I said. Now we all know that I made these clothes myself, no one objects to that, right?" Su Tang said.

Then she continued, "And just now, the members of Erlu's family all questioned, 'How could I have the money to buy the materials for clothes?'. The answer is simple. I am not like some people who only know how to move their mouths to eat and drink."

"Xiao Nuo and I have been working every day since we came out to live on our own. We work on our own and we make our own money. Is there something wrong with that?"

On the side, Su Yongqiang nodded along. "Now that Sister Tang and Brother Nuo are the children of Su Laochuan it's only right for you two to work hard and earn money."

When Su Tang saw that he was speaking for her, she thanked him. "Thank you, Brother Yongqiang. My father has died suddenly while my brother, my sister-in-law, and my poor nephew all died outside. And even until now, the matter of their final rest is unsettled."

"Since my brother and I have come into this household, we have to observe the mourning period and every day we worry about how to bring our brother's family back to reunite with them our parents. So we have to find ways to make money no matter what, even if we can't sleep at night."

"However, life in our family is difficult. We have no land, and my brother and I are still young, so we can only follow the example of other people in the village and go to the mountains and the river to live. Brother Yongqiang and Brother Yongshun probably still remember a few days ago when I brought you some grass carp?"

When she spoke of this, Su Yongqiang and Su Yongshun could not help but gulp audibly. That was really the first time they ate such a delicious grass carp. Even though they went on to eat more fish from the Qing River, they never found any other fish that tasted quite as good.

"Naturally. I remember clearly when you told me the other day that you had fished two grass carps from the Qing River and brought one to me. I know that you and Brother Nuo are in your mourning period for the next three years and can't eat meat, so I agreed to let your sister-in-law take the fish from you. She stewed it for us that night." Su Yongqiang agreed.

Su Yongshun and Madam Qin also nodded along. "That's right."

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