Chapter 99

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"Ah, Young Master Luo, it turns out that you're actually quite flexible!" When Su Tang saw how quickly the other girl changed her stance, she couldn't help but comment.

Luo Xingchen laughed like 'hehe' before saying, "No, no, it's only because I felt a certain kinship with you at first sight Tang Tang*..."

"Well, that's fine but, first of all, who exactly are you? Are you really Luo Xingchen, the Second Young Master Luo from the Luo family in Beikou?" Su Tang still wasn't sure if Luo Xingchen's identity was real, so she directly asked her about it.

"I didn't lie. I'm the real second son of the Luo family, and I really came here to talk to you about your soap business. But Tang Tang, 90% is really no good. If I agreed to that, my father would definitely think that I'm incompetent and then..." After she spoke to this point, Luo Xingchen seemed to have some desire to confide in Su Tang because she continued.

"Well, you already know that I'm a woman, so I won't keep it from you. In fact, my mother is my father's second wife. My father's first wife gave birth to a son, my eldest brother. Later, my mother gave birth to two daughters in a row, and then, when she was carrying me, the doctor told my mother that he body was damaged and she wouldn't be able to have any more children after I was born, so she desperately wanted me to be a son but, in the end, I was born a girl."

"However, back then, there was a servant in the family who gave birth at around the same time, and she had a son. My mother showed that child to my father and deceived him into thinking that I was actually a boy."

"In fact, I'm very curious about how you knew that I was really a woman. My mother raised me as a man ever since I can remember, and I didn't even know that I was different from other boys until I was around eight years old. Back then I myself was very shocked to learn that I was actually a woman."

"And ever since then, I've been careful to keep other people away from me, I've worked hard and always been good at business. Even the elders in my family agreed since I was sent out to help with the family businesses when I was just twelve years old."

"Meanwhile, my eldest brother still has his position as the eldest son, but he doesn't work hard, he has no ability, and he just spends all his time being envious of me. However, despite his shortcomings, there are still many people in the family who support him."

"That's why I'm begging you, I can give you all the money you want, but don't tell anyone my secret. If my true identity is found out, then all the efforts I made until now will have been in vain, and my mother will be dragged down with me."

As she spoke of her circumstances, Luo Xingchen's face was bitter, and Su Tang judged that she was probably telling the truth, so she asked, "But what are you going to do? Do you not plan to get married in the future?"

Luo Xingchen sneered, "What's so good about getting married? You know, my mother used to be very good at doing business, but ever since she got married, my father never even lets her look at the account books anymore. All she does every day is manage the servants and unruly concubines in my father's back courtyard."

"How tiring it must be to be trapped in such a small world."

"Meanwhile, how nice I have it. I've roamed all over the north and even sailed out on the sea. I even once saw a man with blue eyes and red hair. The world I've seen is vast beyond imagination, so if you tell me that it would be better for me to find a husband, get married, and raise a son like other women, you might as well tell me to die."

After she finished speaking, she seemed to remember Su Tang was there, and she touched her face and smiled sarcastically. "Ah, you must think it's very shocking? Are you wondering how a woman could have such crazy ideas? But why should only men be able to go out and see so much outside? Why, when they come back, do they all look down on women for their ignorance?"

"Isn't it obvious that ignorance only stems from the fact that they don't give women a chance to go out and see the world for themselves? If they really had the same chances that men did, it's hard to say who would come back more knowledgeable." These were Luo Xingchen's true feelings and ideas, even though she knew everyone would shun her for them.

However, when she saw Su Tang's surprised expression, she still felt a prick in her heart. It seemed that, in this world, she would never find a person who could truly understand her.

But who would have thought that, in the next second, Su Tang clapped her hands and laughed out loud. Then she said, "That's good! It's crazy, it's shocking, but is it wrong?"

"Luo Xingchen, Young Master Luo, you are very cool, you know?"

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