Chapter 69

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After saying that, the young man spun on his heel and left, leaving Pengmo standing there amidst a sea of question marks.

However, when the young man returned to his room and started folding the white robe to put it away, he heard someone at the door say, "Those clothes were really made by that little girl? It seems she really was a clever one."

"Master!" When Pei Xuan saw the older man coming, he quickly bowed.

The old man sat down and said, "Hmph!"

"She's not clever at all. You don't know, but her eyes only light up when she sees money. She's simply a money-grubber. Your wife would never have acted like that." After the boy sat down, he began to complain to the old man.

The old man smiled. "Well, you haven't seen what my wife looked like back when she was young. Back then, I accidentally bumped into her stall and was chased all over town."

"Actually, when my wife was young, her family was very poor and from an early age, she had to go outside and make money any way she could in order to buy medicine for her sick mother and, at the same time, she had to raise and educate her younger brother. It was because of those hardships that she developed that kind of temperament." He sighed. "Then, after marrying me, she really suffered."

When he mentioned his wife, the old man's eyes became bright and when he talked about the time when he was chased by his wife, there was a smile deep in his eyes, but then he sighed. "She stayed with me and put up with my temper for many so years. But now, even until the day that she left, I never managed to let go of that temper."

At this point, the old man's eyes turned red. Pei Xuan saw him like that and felt a little uncomfortable. He wanted to say something, but he wasn't sure what to say. Before he could decide, he suddenly said, "After the Mid-Autumn Festival, go back."

"Master...*" When he heard that, the young man's eyes turned red.

Unaware of what was going on with Pengmo's side, by the time Su Tang returned to Sujia Village with her brother, the sun was beginning to set.

When the sibling pair got to their house, they saw someone was waiting for them just outside the yard. When she saw that, Su Tang sped up until she was close enough to clearly see the other party.

The young woman seemed relieved when she saw Su Tang and her brother. She said, "I thought I would have to come back tomorrow to see Aunt Tang and Uncle Nuo."

"My nephew's wife, why are you here so late?" Su Tang and Su Nuo quickly opened the door and invited the other person in.

The person who had come over was Madam Lu, Su Yongqiang's youngest son's wife. When she heard Su Tang's question, Madam Lu smiled and said, "Seeing that tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents asked me to come over to give some fruit to Aunt Tang and Uncle Nuo."

Su Tang and her brother were still in their mourning period, and because of that, it wasn't appropriate for them to be out and about visiting everyone, even for a festival. That was a rule that everyone was aware of.

Before Su Tang had visited Su Yongqiang and Su Yongshun to give them her thanks and also sent them some of her fish. But after that, both of the siblings had both basically stayed at home and kept to themselves and, naturally, they weren't planning to attend any of the banquets people would be throwing for the festival. However, it was still okay for other people to come to them if they had a suitable excuse.

Su Yongqiang was the head of the family, so considering that most families were planning to celebrate the festival, he had one of his daughters-in-law go and bring something to the siblings in the name of 'visiting her elders'.

Su Tang saw that Madam Lu had brought a basket with some fruits inside, so she accepted them while saying. "Brother Yongshun just sent us some apples a few days ago and we only just finished eating them but now your parents are sending us some more. We feel embarrassed that you're thinking of us so much."

Madam Lu was a round-faced woman who had a gentle smile that was very pleasing to the eye. When she heard what Su Tang said, she replied, "Aunt Tang, you and Uncle Nuo don't need to be so polite with us. This is just what we of the younger generation should do."

Su Tang asked Su Nuo to take out the fruit in the basket, and then took out a red date cake she had prepared from her own basket and put it where the apples had been. Naturally, Madam Lu didn't want to take it but Su Tang just said, "Just now you told us not to be so polite with you, so how can you be so polite with me? Actually, even if you hadn't come over, I was originally planning to go over to your house and give this to your family. It's just that your uncle Nuo and I are still in our mourning period so I hesitated a bit. But now that you've come over yourself, it's just perfect. Now we don't have to make the trip."

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