Chapter 120

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Of course, considering the modern era's reliance on cell phones and computers, Su Tang's calligraphy wasn't very good. But she was aware of that weakness and she had always thought that once her businesses had stabilized a bit she would be able to fix it by practicing at her leisure.

Even so, she had worked very hard back then to catch Song Yi's eye in the hopes that he would accept Su Nuo as his disciple, however, it turned out that becoming the disciple of an Imperial Preceptor was not such an easy thing. Su Tang was only accepted because she reminded Song Yi of his late wife and daughter, and because she had a special talent. Those two things came together and made Song Yi feel moved enough to accept her as a student but, unfortunately, other people could not so easily move Song Yi's heart.

After all, back when she first met Song Yi, her every move had been very calculated to attract his attention because she had been hoping to find a teacher for her brother. It was only later on that Song Yi found out about Su Tang's rare talent and had decided to seriously consider taking her in as a disciple.

Plus, Song Yi liked Su Tang's temperament and felt she was suitable to be his disciple because of the way she had no ambition to speak of and a clever and comfortable personality.

In the end, Su Tang had tried to sneakily let Su Nuo learn from Song Yi by sitting at the door but, unfortunately, it soon became clear that it was impossible for Su Nuo to learn anything because of Su Tang's 'rare genius' which meant that Song Yi wasn't teaching her the beginner steps a child would usually start from. On top of that, Su Tang had the soul of adult, which meant that her outlook on the world and her core values had all already been formed and she had the ability to think independently, so a lot of Song Yi's lessons were generally more like discussions between peers and less like learning things out of a textbook.

The rest of the time was used to teach Su Tang other things, such as the gentleman's six arts of etiquette, music, archery, horsemanship, calligraphy, and mathematics. He also taught her guqin, chess, painting, and so on... basically all the same skills he would impart to a male disciple.

In the end, Song Yi found that Su Tang was a horrific genius. Su Tang never forgot anything after reading it once, her arithmetic was very good, and her painting was also incredible. However, she also had astonishingly bad handwriting.

Song Yi was speechless whenever he saw it. He didn't understand how her skills could be so unbalanced. But Su Tang didn't care that much. In her words, because the heavens had opened a window for her, they, of course, must have closed some doors. Or else was she supposed to be good at everything?

But Song Yi didn't accept that excuse. He was determined to bring all of Su Tang's skills up to an at least passable level. Because of that, Su Tang spent every day feeling simply miserable. She was already sick and tired of this kind of structured education from her previous life and she didn't want to study at all. But, in the end, she always ended up having to study anyway because Song Yi always had some scheme up his sleeve to trick her into it.

However, speaking of her experience during these past days, though Su Tang had some indescribable feelings in her heart, she had ultimately decided to learn seriously, if only for the sake of Song Yi's sincerity towards her.

So, despite being tired of it, Su Tang seriously applied herself to her learning, and Song Yi ended up very surprised. Su Tang actually learned much faster than almost any student he had ever taught! Of course, Song Yi would never let his surprise show. He was afraid that Su Tang would become too proud if he did, after all, this little fox had been very cunning and scheming from the beginning.

Because of all this, although Song Yi had never stopped Su Nuo from listening at the door, in fact, because of the difference in IQ and their general level, for Su Nuo it was like listening in on the communication between two beings on a much higher level than him every day. That is to say, it was completely incomprehensible to him.

And, for her part, Su Tang had always been busy with a lot of things until now. However, now that she had bought some people back to help lighten her workload, she was able to make the time to help Su Nuo. Her plan was to study with Song Yi every afternoon and spend every morning teaching Su Nuo to read and write. Then, next year, she would be able to send Su Nuo to the academy.

Of course, because Su Tang could be considered one of Song Yi's direct disciples it could be said that she was more than qualified to teach Su Nuo all by herself. However, she didn't do that because she didn't feel that studying was something that should be done alone. Rather, it would be better for her brother if he could interact with classmates his age, that was he could make new friends and network with people who might be able to help him in the future.

"Mhm!" In fact, Su Nuo had been very disappointed in himself before. He had been feeling that he was just too stupid because his sister could easily understand things that he couldn't understand at all.

However, he had always known that his sister was smarter than him and that she worked hard to make money to support them every day, so he had accepted the situation. However, he now had the determination in his heart that, even if he was not as smart as her, he could make up for it if he put in enough hard work.




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