Chapter 7- Half-blood

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Over the next few weeks, Sabrina became good friends with her roommate Mara, because she had the most progressive views out of the girls, and didn't hate Muggles to the same extent.
But Sabrina's best friend by far, was Regulus Black.
From their very first day of school, the pair became almost inseparable.
But when Regulus did hang out with the boys in their house, Sabrina would spent time with her brother.
Although Severus had a group of boys that he associated himself with, Sabrina didn't really believe that they were his friends.

Sabrina's friendship with Lily became a little strained due to the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin. But the two were desperate to stay good friends, despite being in enemy houses.
The pure-bloods in Slytherin had fully accepted Sabrina as one of their own, which pleased her. And although she tried her best to fit in, she could never bring herself to call someone a Mudblood, because of her friendship with Lily, which was something her roommates didn't know much about.

"Please can you help me with my homework" begged Regulus one evening, as he joined Sabrina on her table in the common room.
"What is it?" Questioned Sabrina.
"History of Magic of course. I can't understand anything Binns says, because he's the most boring teacher in the world, so I don't know how I'm supposed to write an essay on the stuff he covers in class" complained Regulus.
"Yeah, I know how you feel. At first I thought it was cool to have a ghost teaching a class, but I'm over it now"
"So, will you help me with my essay? My mother will kill me if I get another low grade"
"How about this, if I help you with your History of Magic homework, you help me with my Astronomy chart?"

Sabrina smiled and removed her History of Magic textbook from her bag.
"Thanks for doing this. My mother expects me to get perfect scores in everything, and she gets mad when I don't" admitted Regulus.
"No problem... Doesn't your dad get angry too if you fail?" Asked Sabrina.
"Not really. He doesn't think grades are as important as appearances and traditional values"
"Well, even if your mum is overaly strict, at least she cares what grades you get. She probably puts more pressure on you, because she's given up with Sirius, which is understandable, since he's a lost cause... My mother has no idea if I'm passing or failing, and she couldn't care less".

"She would if you actually wrote home, and told her what you were up to. But you don't bother to, even though I offered to lend you my owl. You haven't sent her a letter since the first week of term" reminded Regulus.
"I have nothing more to say to her. And even if she did know my grades, she wouldn't be pleased with me. Because like I said, she doesn't care about me" said Sabrina coldly.
"It's unusual for a mother not to care about their child, especially their daughter. What about you dad, is he concerned with your grades?" Questioned Regulus.
"He cares even less about me than she does"
"Because he hates the world and everything in it".

Regulus looked around the room before lowering his voice, "I know that you said your father works at the Ministry, but I can't find any trace of a Snape ever setting foot inside there".
Sabrina tensed up, "Well, you can't have looked very hard then".
"I did. In fact, there's no trace of any wizarding family with the surname Snape" revealed Regulus.
"What were you doing researching my family tree, that's creepy?"
"I was just interested. You're my friend and I wanted to know more about you... I know you're lying about your dad, and if you wanted to tell me the truth, then I promise I wouldn't tell anyone else".

Sabrina scanned the room to see if anyone was paying them any attention, but everyone was engrossed in their own business.
"I can't tell you" whispered Sabrina.
"Why not? Don't you trust me?" Frowned Regulus.
"I do. I know that you wouldn't betray my secret. But that's not the point. You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you because of this" admitted Sabrina.
"You won't, I promise".

Sabrina sighed, "You were right about my dad. He doesn't come from a wizarding family, because he's a Muggle. My mum's maiden name was Prince, but she became a Snape when she married my dad. She was a pure-blood, but her family turned their back on her when she married a Muggle".
"You're not the only half-blood in Slytherin you know, so you don't have to be so ashamed of who you are" replied Regulus.
"I know. But most people in here are pure-bloods, and I didn't want them to think any less of me because I'm not"
"You're my best friend Sabrina, and that isn't going to change just because your father is a Muggle".

"I don't want anyone else knowing the truth though. This has to stay between you and me" insisted Sabrina.
"Don't worry. Like I said earlier, I won't tell a soul" promised Regulus.
"Thank you... You've no idea how happy I am to tell you, because I hated hiding the truth from you"
"I'm glad that you trusted me enough to tell me... I have to admit that I don't know very much about Muggles, because I've never had anything to do with one. What's it like, living with a Muggle?".

"My dad's a git. I'm sure not all Muggles are like him. But he's the one I've spent the most time with, and he's the worst person in the world" revealed Sabrina.
"Does he know about magic?" Questioned Regulus.
"Yes. That's why he hates us all. He dislikes magic so much that he forbids us from talking about it in the house"
"Merlin's beard. Really?"
"Yep. And when we're not at school, all our magic stuff gets locked in the shed, including our wands. At least that's what he did with Severus last year. I expect he'll do the same with me when I go home for Christmas. Which is why I really want to stay here during the holidays, so that I don't have to go home. But I'm scared of what my mum will say when I ask to stay".

"I really wish I could stay here for Christmas, like Sirius is going to do this year. But my parents would never let me. With Sirius being the family disappointment, he can get away with staying at Hogwarts, as they don't want to see him. But with me, things are different" admitted Regulus miserably.
"I know. And I'd never ask you to stay at school with me, when you have a loving family to go home to" replied Sabrina.
"I don't know if I would call them loving. Controlling would be a better word, which is why I have no choice but to go home"
"I wish they would let you stay here, but I know that's unlikely... Anway, we're getting off topic, we've got homework to do"
"Right, yes, History of Magic essay here we come".

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