Chapter 32- Recruiting

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What Sabrina had witnessed on her first mission, scarred her mentally.
She couldn't get the image out of her head, which made her Christmas a rather miserable affair.
But luckily Voldemort didn't ask her or Regulus to attend any other missions that Christmas.
And as usual, Walburga and Orion didn't ask them what they got up to, which meant that Sabrina didn't have to relive the horrible experience.
When she returned to Hogwarts, she no longer felt happy about recruiting younger students, as she didn't want them to have to witness what she had.
But unfortunately she had a job to do, and the students she had been talking to before the holidays, still expected her to get them in touch with Voldemort.

"Sabrina, can I talk to you?".
Sabrina looked up from the desk she was working at in the common room, and saw Barty Crouch jr looking back at her.
Since Regulus was at Quidditch practice, Sabrina was alone at the table, so had no excuse to get out of talking to Barty.
She knew Barty rather well, even though he was in the year below her.
The two often met at Slughorn's parties, and Barty was a Prefect like she had been, not to mention the brightest student in his year. So the two moved in similar circles.
"What do you want Barty?" Asked Sabrina, as she put down her quill.

"I think you know what I want" Barty said quietly, as he sat down beside Sabrina.
Sabrina sighed, "Then I'm afraid I cannot help you".
"Are you saying that you didn't see him over Christmas?" Questioned Barty.
"No. I just went home and enjoyed Christmas with my family, like everyone else" lied Sabrina.
"But I thought you were the one who was eager for me to join up. So why didn't you talk to the dark lord about me? I thought I was an ideal candidate"
"You are. And when I finish school I will be sure to give your name over to the dark lord, if that is what you want"
"It is".

"You know, I'm surprised that someone like you wants to be a part of this" admitted Sabrina.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Frowned Barty.
"Your father speaks openly against the dark lord and his followers. If your father found out that you wanted to join his enemies, I don't think he would be very impressed" replied Sabrina.
"My father doesn't care about me. He cares more about his position at the Ministry than his own son"
"I know. And I get why you want to rebel against him, believe me, I do. But joining the death eaters isn't all fun and games. You're in it for life, and there is no going back. Which is why I want to make sure that you know what you are getting yourself in for".

"I am fully aware of the risks and responsibilities involved in joining the dark lord" insisted Barty.
"How can you have any idea. You're only 16" reminded Sabrina.
"And you're only 17, so don't go thinking that you are so much older than me"
"I am an adult. You are not. Joining this war is dangerous. People get hurt and sometimes people die. Would you be willing to sacrifice yourself for the dark lord, if he asked?"
"I would"
"Then, as I said earlier, I will be sure to pass your name onto him, along with the other potential candidates. Now scoot, I've got homework to do".

Barty sighed and got up from his seat, just as the quidditch team entered the room, covered head to toe in mud.
Regulus approached Sabrina and kissed her lightly on the head.
"What did he want?" Asked Regulus, gesturing to Barty.
"To join up" answered Sabrina quietly.
"I see" mumbled Regulus, as he sat down in the now empty seat.
"I feel terrible. I don't want any of these kids to join him, and be forced to take part in missions like we did at Christmas"
"He doesn't want them to join him now. He just wants to know who would be interested in joining him in the future".

"You can't be sure of that. He let us join at 16" reminded Sabrina.
"He only allowed us to join, because he wanted spies in Hogwarts. He wanted us to recruit for him. And now that he knows who to look at, over the next few years, he does not need spies in Hogwarts any more" replied Regulus.
"I hope you're right. Because it just seems wrong, asking these kids if they want to be a part of a war. And that's what I'm asking them to do. Joining us, means joining a war"
"The war might not happen for many years. The dark lord doesn't want to make a move, until he has the numbers to take on the Ministry"
"But we both know that he is not that far away from achieving his goal. A lot of people are eager to join him, so he is not struggling to find new recruits".

"Well, that is a good thing. If the dark lord attacks the Ministry soon, then we won't have to sneak around and hide anymore. We won't be criminals, but heroes" announced Regulus.
Sabrina laughed, "Do you really think that what we are doing is heroic?".
"Maybe not. But it's for the greater good" insisted Regulus.
"Now you are starting to sound like Grindelwald. Wasn't that his slogan? For the greater good. If memory serves, he didn't succeed either"
"The dark lord and Grindelwald are very different. The Ministry is all over the place, and they have no chance of stopping us. The dark lord will succeed"
"I hope you're right. Because if you aren't, then I don't know how much longer we will be alive for".

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