Chapter 49- End Of An Era

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Conjuring a Patronus that afternoon was the hardest thing Sabrina had ever had to do.
She had to get word to Severus immediately, so that he could help her. But thinking of a happy memory, while she held the body of her dead son, was almost impossible.
Eventually she succeeded though, and it wasn't long before Severus arrived at the house.
He quickly took in the scene, before running over to his sister.
"You're hurt" he said quietly, as he looked at the blood pouring from Sabrina's arm.
"I splinched myself while apparating" mumbled Sabrina, who had completely forgotten that she was injured.

"Show me" instructed Severus.
Sabrina moved her arm forward, and Severus carefully pulled her sleeve up to inspect the wound.
"You're lucky, it's not too bad" he told her, as he began waving his wand over the wound.
"Lucky? How am I lucky?" Questioned Sabrina as she looked back down at Regulus.
"Sorry, that was a bad choice of words... How did this happen?" Asked Severus.
"5 aurors ambushed me in Diagon Alley, and 3 of them jumped on me as I disapparated"
"So you killed them"
"No. I mean technically yes, but I only killed them after this happened. After they had hurt Regulus".

Severus gently placed his hands onto Regulus's head, and inspected the cut.
"The head wound would have killed him instantly. He wouldn't have felt any pain" Severus said softly.
"My poor baby. This was all my fault" cried Sabrina, as tears fell down her face.
Severus placed his arms around Sabrina and held her close to his chest.
"We need to get you out of here" he whispered.
"No. I can't leave Regulus" insisted Sabrina, as she pushed Severus away.

"You have to. It won't be long before more Ministry officials come after you, especially the ones you fought in Diagon Alley" admitted Severus.
"Just let them try" said Sabrina coldly, as she gripped her wand tightly.
"You might have been able to hold your own against these three men. But the Ministry will keep sending more people after you" replied Severus.
"I guess they don't believe that a person can change. If you become a death eater, you are forever evil in their eyes. Unless you have the famous Albus Dumbledore to vouch for you, I suppose"
"You just murdered three people Sabrina. I don't think the Ministry are going to take that very well, even if I know that deep down you have changed"
"That was self defense. I was protecting myself".

"That maybe so, but the Ministry will not see it that way. They are going to want you dead now, or in Azkaban forever" said Severus.
"Good. I want to die. Then I will be reunited with the people I love" revealed Sabrina.
"No. I will not let that happen. I will not lose you too" announced Severus.
"How are you going to keep me alive then, big brother?".
Severus stood up and looked around the room at the destruction that had occurred.
"We need to make it look like you are dead. There is enough of your blood here, to make it appear like you were killed during the fight. Perhaps it would even be best if you left your wand behind. That would definitely make them believe that you are gone for good" suggested Severus.

Sabrina clutched hold of her wand tightly, and pulled it to her chest.
"No. I'm not leaving it behind" insisted Sabrina.
"You have to. It's the only way to ensure that they don't come after you" replied Severus.
"But I can't perform magic without a wand"
"Don't be stupid, I can just buy you a new one from Ollivanders, or a lesser known wand maker"
"If you do that, the wand won't have chosen me as its master"
"A witch or wizard can use any wand, regardless of its master. And surely if leaving your wand behind, keeps you alive, then it's the best course of action".

"Do you really think this will work?" Questioned Sabrina.
"I can't be 100% sure. But I have a strong feeling that it will work. I may have to place some powerful memory charms on people at the Ministry, to ensure your safety. But I will do whatever it takes, to keep you alive" answered Severus.
"Thank you" mumbled Sabrina.
"We have to leave now though, in case anyone comes looking for you"
"What about all my things?"
"Everything you own will have to stay here for now. I'm sure all your belongings will be given to me eventually, since I'm your only living relative. Which means that I will be able to give your things back to you".

"But where will I live? Regulus Black and Lily's money is all gone. I can't afford another house" admitted Sabrina.
"Don't worry. I will sort out all that for you" reassured Severus.
"You will?" Quizzed Sabrina.
"Of course. I sold my house recently and moved into our childhood home, as you know. So I gained a lot of money from that. I also have a regular income from working at Hogwarts. Which means I will easily be able to buy you your own place, not too far from home"
"As long as it's not in Spinners End, I'll take it. Because I can not go back there again".

"Fear not, I would not subject you to living permanently in our old house again, after you were forced to kill our father there. But we will have to go back there for today at least, while I sort this mess out... We can't delay leaving any longer, we really need to leave" informed Severus.
Sabrina nodded, and kissed Regulus softly on the head, before placing his body down gently onto the floor.
She then rolled her wand away from her, and stood to her feet.
"It doesn't feel right just to leave him like this" admitted Sabrina.
"His body will be found very soon, don't worry. I will send some Ministry officials over here to deal with this, while I secretly pull the strings" replied Severus.

"They'll take care of his body, won't they?" Asked Sabrina, as she made her way over to Severus.
"I'm sure they will. He is an innocent child afterall. They won't want any harm to come to his body. And I will personally make sure that he is given a proper buriel" answered Severus.
"What if the Ministry find me again?"
"They won't. Once I find you a house, I will place the Fidelius Charm around it, which will keep you safe".

"Isn't that the same spell that failed to protect the Potter's?" Quizzed Sabrina.
"Yes. But I will be your secret keeper, and I will never betray you. I will keep you safe forever" reassured Severus.
Sabrina laced her arm around Severus's, "O.K. Let's get out of here".
Severus nodded, and the pair disapparated away. Leaving the 4 dead bodies alone in the house.
While Sabrina started another secret new life, far away from those that wanted her dead.

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